FNaF: The Novel Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Full Site 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所述,点击下面的“同意”后,您将同意我们使用此类Cookie和技术。如果...
Hello, I am new on this wiki Funtime FoxyWilliam AftonCircus BabyMichael AftonFive Nights at Freddy's: Sister LocationElizabeth AftonEnnardFuntime FreddyBalloraClara More XXLølBîtXx·2/4/2021in General Idk what I am doing with my life so here you go ( ◠‿◠ ) Who’s ur fav ...
Were you looking for the troll game FNaF World: Halloween Edition, the add-on update FNaF World: Update 2, the removed mobile edition, or the teaser website FNaF World (Website)? FNaF World, fully titled Five Nights at Freddy's World, is an indie fantasy
【Five nigh..最近一直在研究这游戏的故事线,也上wiki,youtube看了好多关于这个的讨论,终于有了点见解,吧友们对我的理论有怀疑或者反驳的欢迎提出哈~首先,第二部是发生在第一部之前的,为此提供证据的有以下几点
新人入坑有什么要注意..fnaf的剧情是罗生门,你知道了剧情时间线后一个一个查就行首先,根据vr2的马戏团海报fallfest1970,最早的时间线应该是官方明确成为this fall,come one come all的特
Wiki pages Wikipedia/Fandom Can we play the FNF online on mobile phones? Yes, you can play some FNF modes from your mobile or tablet. To play Friday Night Funkin' on your mobile, you will have to enter this category using your phone, and then you will see which games can use these ...
you will know when he is near when you hear THIS specific song! he appears in the little nerd board and goes "Hi! Hi! Hi!" when he is coming out of the nerd board and then when he will kill you in 2 seocnd he goes "BOING!" and its scary... eep! he activa
FNaF wiki中文机翻(邦尼&凋零邦尼) “也许也要面对现实。你总是注定要失败。”—凋零的邦妮,终极定制之夜 邦尼 老邦尼 邦妮(Bonnie)是“玩具熊的五夜”系列的反对者。邦妮(Bonnie)与弗雷迪·法斯比伯(Freddy Fazbear)和奇卡(Chica)一起被放置在弗雷迪·法斯比尔(Freddy Fazbear)的披萨中,是一种电子动画兔子和...
deep♂址:http://freddy-fazbears-pizza.wikia.com/wiki/Five_Nights_at_Freddy%27s(以前是上不去的,现在不知道为啥可以上了) 7楼2018-04-24 20:35 收起回复 DrC 气球男孩 11 首先是弗莱迪 Freddy Fazbear(费斯熊弗莱迪): 费斯熊弗莱迪是玩具熊的五夜后宫的主要敌人,在费斯熊弗莱迪披萨店(Freddy Fazbe...
然而,在晚上的“自由漫步”模式下,他的行动与其他玩偶一样危险:在这期间他在餐厅中和其他机器动物徘徊直到早上6点,以防止它们的“伺服系统”被锁定。像其他机器动物一样,他会试图强行把他看到的任何人都装扮上弗莱迪套装,也就是将他们强行塞进弗莱迪熊的备用皮套中,导致他们的死亡。 5楼2018-04-22 20:10 收起...