Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted, also known as FNAF VR, is a collection of classic and original minigames set in the FNAF universe. While it is a VR-compatible game, you don’t need a VR headset to play – so don’t worry if you’ve not got the cash to fork out for an...
【初光】FNAF:VRFNAF2实况(分p合集,已完结。) Firstlight初光· 2020-10-31 471301:14:36 【FNAF2】 玩具熊的五夜后宫2 全流程通关 想买个扫地机器人· 2023-4-5 1.5万33301:08:27 【FNF / FNAF2】超优质高能模组:玩具熊的五夜后宫2 全流程 bf vs FNAF 2 星核流萤去点海· 2023-10-21 2928307:...
vanny and stuff...I’m sure Glitchtrap will have something to do with this since we didn’t kill him in Fnaf VR help wanted...lots of theories going on...but back to FNaF 6...I’m kinda confused why there is “Trash and the gang” and “music man” Trash and the gang isn’...