We've got you! Here, you can try almost every FANF game that came out and some FNF ones with animatronics. Currently, the most played game on our site isFNAF 1, with over 3 million plays. Followed by Five Nights at Freddy's 2 and UCN Jumpscare Simulator. ...
FNaF UCN Choose from Five Nights at Freddy's games FNaF 4 - Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Game FNaF Game 1 - Five Nights at Freddy's 1 FNaF 2 - Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Game FNaF Ultimate Custom Night Game FNaF 5 - Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location Game FNaF 3 - Five Nigh...
for free. Have fun and don’t get too scared if you can! 4.7 FNAF Security Breach Ruin 4.2 FNaF Plus 3.6 Five Nights at Shrek’s Hotel 4 Bizarre Custom Night 4.6 UCN Jumpscare Simulator 4.3 FNAF 5 4.2 FNAF Ultimate Custom Night
fnafucn是一款恐怖向解谜逃生手游,玩家们被困在了一个店铺里,由于你发现了店铺隐藏的秘密,所以正在被人追赶,需要四处收集线索寻找到离开这里的方法,可以使用道具。 游戏介绍 FNAFucn是一款恐怖冒险游戏,游戏背景是在一家名为FNAFU中的寄存器店铺里,主人公被卡在了店铺里面,并且发现了店铺里神秘的事情,特色之一是其...
The new UCN Jumpscare Simulator game from the category Five Nights at Freddy's is a scary game that will definitely scare you, which is why we want to...
FNF vs. Phone guy (FnaF UCN) A mod ofFriday Night Funkinwhere Boyfriend rap-battle against the Phone Guy in the FnaF series across the phone on his desk. Mod Credits: Game is free, so if you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod, make sure to support the cool...
UCN: Cake Slice, Fredbear needs a Cake first, TOYSNHK needs Cake to calm down & a Present to be set free. HW: Tapes, Glitchtrap needs a SpringBonnie Plush first, Dreadbear, Grimm Foxy need a Bucket of Candy SB: Batteries, Vanny and Burntrap need SpringBonnie Plush first. AR: Faz...
本代是除UCN外有杀伤力玩偶最多的一代,你依旧是保安(杰瑞米),玩法主要为拉发条和闪手电,其它玩偶可以用头套对付。 二、玩具熊介绍: 1、玩具邦尼 一个憨憨,只会从右通风囗进攻,当你通过闪灯发现他在管道囗,立刻戴上头套,他会进入保安室看看你(电脑版,手机版戴头套两三秒就可以骗走,也不会进入保安室,可以听...
(PS: Also, if we could get an estimated release schedule for mobile UCN, that would be great, thanks!) more fnaffangamer284 , 07/27/2020 This is a some stuff you could add Scott cawthon. I was thinking you could add some game modes and other stuff down below. Doors: just like...
even impossible. So please change the nights to make them just slightly easier. Other than that, the game is perfect and extremely fun to play. Scott and Clickteam really did it with this one (PS: Also, if we could get an estimated release schedule for mobile UCN, that would be great,...