The FNaF Fangame Wiki is a website operated by the community and powered by FANDOM. The wiki focuses on the Five Nights at Freddy's fangame scene, which includes projects inspired by Scott Cawthon's previous work. Over time, this fangame scene has evolved both technically and visually, ...
he would want to go back on and change. Scott answered that he wishes to get one more chance withFNaF Worldor even get another developer to make the game. He added that maybe in the future, when he gets really antsy about it and has the free time, a FNaF World 2 could happen.[3...
熔融弗莱迪,也称为埃纳德(Ennard)的熔化版本或欢乐时光弗莱迪(Funtime Freddy)的废弃版本。是FFPS(费斯熊弗莱迪披萨店模拟器,直接叫六代就行)中四种可回收的玩偶之一(另外三个是Scrap Baby,William Afton和Lefty)。玩家可以选择扔掉这个玩偶,或者试图回收他未损坏的部分。回收这个玩偶将使玩家获得500美元的基本利润,...
奇卡(Chica)是弗雷迪(Freddy)特许经营的“五夜”中的对手。Chica是与弗雷迪·法斯比伯(Freddy Fazbear)和邦妮(Bonnie)一起存放在Freddy Fazbear's Pizza上的一种动画电子鸡和儿童娱乐节目。她是弗雷迪乐队右边的备用歌手。据说在午夜,她将处于“自由漫游模式”,直到凌晨6点,以防止其伺服器锁定。 奇卡(Chica)会与其他...
deep♂址:以前是上不去的,现在不知道为啥可以上了) 7楼2018-04-24 20:35 收起回复 DrC 气球男孩 11 首先是弗莱迪 Freddy Fazbear(费斯熊弗莱迪): 费斯熊弗莱迪是玩具熊的五夜后宫的主要敌人,在费斯熊弗莱迪披萨店(Freddy Fazbe...
Wiki pages Wikipedia/Fandom Can we play the FNF online on mobile phones? Yes, you can play some FNF modes from your mobile or tablet. To play Friday Night Funkin' on your mobile, you will have to enter this category using your phone, and then you will see which games can use these ...
you will know when he is near when you hear THIS specific song! he appears in the little nerd board and goes "Hi! Hi! Hi!" when he is coming out of the nerd board and then when he will kill you in 2 seocnd he goes "BOING!" and its scary... eep! he activa
JJ(全称未知,在Wiki上也没找到):同BB会从右小门进入,能控制办公室的门无法使用一段时间;关门即可防御。Withered Chica:会从通风管道进攻,与Mangle不同的是只会走右边的单一路线,进入办公室前会卡在上边的通风管道,其他在通风管道行动的玩偶会被阻挡(Mangle除外),之后跳杀;关上通风管道内的门即可防御Withered ...
FNaF wiki中文机翻(邦尼&凋零邦尼) “也许也要面对现实。你总是注定要失败。”—凋零的邦妮,终极定制之夜 邦尼 老邦尼 邦妮(Bonnie)是“玩具熊的五夜”系列的反对者。邦妮(Bonnie)与弗雷迪·法斯比伯(Freddy Fazbear)和奇卡(Chica)一起被放置在弗雷迪·法斯比尔(Freddy Fazbear)的披萨中,是一种电子动画兔子和...
【Five nigh..最近一直在研究这游戏的故事线,也上wiki,youtube看了好多关于这个的讨论,终于有了点见解,吧友们对我的理论有怀疑或者反驳的欢迎提出哈~首先,第二部是发生在第一部之前的,为此提供证据的有以下几点