2.Vanny-1 3.Stay-1 4.Stay-2 5.Vanny-2 6.Stay-3
此为 重置版 配音真正的第一份FNAF配音:BV1Kh411q7tP视频地址:https://youtu.be/5SA6eFldT8o视频作者:Super ElonSuper Elon在YouTube上的频道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2PVQzzyPEhLoNNZhejbjeA已得到Super Elon的配音授权角色配音:Freddy: @FUDEIII, 视频播
The story takes place after Help Wanted and sees you playing as a kid named Gregory who ends up trapped inside Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex overnight. Players try to survive the night by evading animatronics Glamrock Chica, Montgomery Gator, Roxanne Wolf, and many more, with help from a...
Welcome to Five Nights at Freddy’s (FNAF): Security Breach’s complete achievement guide. These achievements are mixed ranging from easy, all the way to tough ones as well. These objectives are mostly completed. Some achievements which are work in progress, can be possibly updated in the fut...
FNAF安全漏洞:Gregory 格雷戈里 x Cassie 凯西(Security Breach) Fazbear Frights:???(FNAF小说系列第一反派折磨王The One是你Charlie Emily随便能喂的吗💢🖤🥄 FNAF姐妹地点:Gabriel 加百列 x Elizabeth Afton 伊丽莎白阿夫顿(Freddy x Circus Baby) FNAF2:Jeremy 杰里米 x Susie 苏西(Bonnie x Chica!是Nori本...
【FNAF 动画短片】原来熊爸爸是这么从原型机那里就出Gregory的吗……太厉害了吧! 【FNAF 有声动画】Gregory救下被控制的Chica?!梦幻结局动画版 p1 【FNF同人图合集】Tabi X Agoti 【FNAF 动画短片】Freddy,你应该被锁起来!听音乐的Freddy be like: 【FNAF 动画短片】下一个十月 Next October FNAF同人曲地...
【FNAF 同人图合集】GlamrockFreddy & Gregory ~On&On 【FNAF 动画短片】原来熊爸爸是这么从原型机那里就出Gregory的吗……太厉害了吧! 【FNAF 连载有声漫画/熟肉】Gregory杀掉了Sun?你Sun霸凌我Moon?你Moon道出常年被Sun霸凌的真相!! ~梦幻结局 p8 【FNAF 同人图合集】我老公!!Glamrock Freddy~Lights ...
Oh, and while there is a security guard called Vanessa present, like FNAF 4, you once again take the role of a child – FNAF’s Gregory. As Gregory, you find yourself trapped overnight in Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex, forming an alliance with Glamrock Freddy (who has been hacked ...
9Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach Security Breachis available on the Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.FNAFbrings its first free-roam game withFNAF:Security Breachand includes multiple endings, following Gregory after he sneaks into the Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex at night and works...