His original appearance in the office from Five Nights at Freddy's. Yellow Bear in the office in-game. [Old render] Audio His jumpscare sound. Trivia His name is based on the Golden Freddy texture inFive Nights at Freddy's, which is named "yellow bear" in the game files. The name G...
FNAF AR Security Breach DLC Jumpscare & Workshop Animations 01:10 [FNAF Blender]Front Street动画 05:37 Animan Studios 但是是FNAF姐妹地点 01:40 【FNAF AR同人展示动画】BATIM系列风格的FNAF一代组模型展示 02:07 〔FNAF/BLENDER〕《是时候去死了》歌曲动画 03:20 〔FNAF AR/BLENDER〕《邀请》...
FNF Vs. FNAF 2 is another mod for Friday Night Funkin which is a prequel to the previous mod, the action taking place before the events of the first...
Roxy is one of the haunting animatronics you need Freddy’s help to avoid in Security Breach. She’s one of the many jumpscarers you need to avoid, though her massive keytar helps you figure out where she might be lurking. For more on this character, check out ourFNAF Roxyguide. ...
A.噩梦·弗雷迪(Nightmare Freddy) B.毛绒陷阱(Plushtrap) C.梦魇(Nightmare) 14.四代(FNAF4)的小游戏中,我们操控小男孩一共会被哥哥吓到(Jumpscare)几次? A.两次 B.三次 C.四次 15.世界篇(World)一共有几个存档槽位(Slot)? A.三个 B.四个 ...
Reality Chapter 1 Deer Hunter Roblox Obby: Rock and Run Shonen Jump's: One Piece Roblox: Lawn Mowing Simulator Charming girls 3 Stickman Briefcase Bearbarians Return To Earth MUSCLE MAN RUSH Match Arena Gold Of Pirate Bay MineWarFire Land Defense ...
We've got you! Here, you can try almost every FANF game that came out and some FNF ones with animatronics. Currently, the most played game on our site isFNAF 1, with over 3 million plays. Followed by Five Nights at Freddy's 2 and UCN Jumpscare Simulator. ...
Po's unedited scream seems to be a cranking sound, like winding a music box. During the Dream Night, Po is replaced with a plushie and her jumpscare is higher pitched. During her plushie jumpscare, her eyes and jaw disappear, similar to the actual Po. In the Christmas update, Po's...
FNAF系列-动画电影-黄金弗莱迪的嘴炮Golden Freddy will fuck you up 2016-02-06 01:59 FNAF系列-动画电影-邦尼说起麦当劳Bonnie Talks About McDonalds 2016-02-06 00:55 FNAF系列-动画电影-噩梦奇卡吓人Nightmare Chica Jumpscare 2016-02-06 00:55 FNAF系列-动画电影-噩梦奇卡吓人Nightmare Chica Jumpscare 201...