邦邦(又称邦尼手偶)https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Funtime_Freddy#cite_note-1由https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/HandUnit和Bon简称音频文件),是一个手偶和Funtime Freddy的一部分,取代了右手,也是游戏中七个电子动画之一(如果算上自定义之夜电子动画,则为十二个)。邦邦在破坏...
Funtime Foxy是七个电子玩偶之一(如果算上自定义之夜的电子玩偶,则为十二个),也是https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Five_Nights_at_Freddy%27s:_Sister_Location中的角色。它是以马戏团为主题的狐狸,他们也是Funtime礼堂(位于https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Circus_Baby%27s_Ente...
它是Ballora、Funtime Freddy、Funtime Foxy的组合形式,面具与Funtime Freddy的相似,因为是Funtime Freddy控制着这个身体。配音依然由Kellen Goff担任。 熔融弗莱迪在回收室跳杀动画的最后一帧 熔融弗莱迪在办公室跳杀动画的最后一帧 外貌: 熔融弗莱迪是一个熊型机器玩偶,和欢乐时光弗莱迪(Funtime Freddy)非常相似。
Shadow Freddy Golden Freddy Nightmare Freddy Nightmare Bonnie Nightmare Chica Nightmare Foxy Endo-01 Endo-02 Endoplush Plushtrap Springtrap Shadow Bonnie Crying Child Funtime Foxy Nightmare Fredbear Nightmare Animdude Mr. Chipper Nightmare Balloon ... Nightmarionne Coffee Wil...
Hello, I am new on this wiki Funtime FoxyWilliam AftonCircus BabyMichael AftonFive Nights at Freddy's: Sister LocationElizabeth AftonEnnardFuntime FreddyBalloraClara More XXLølBîtXx·2/4/2021in General Idk what I am doing with my life so here you go ( ◠‿◠ ) Who’s ur fav ...
Funtime Foxy, Lolbit, and Circus Baby later appeared in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, while Dee Dee, Old Man Consequences, Bouncepot, Tangle, and White Rabbit appeared in Ultimate Custom Night. Funtime Foxy was introduced into this game as an undamaged version of Mangle as op...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria is a family-friendly restaurant themed around lovable animatronics that sing during the day, a place of fun and joy for children and parents alike. At night, however, the restaurant takes a dark turn, and those same animatronics take to roaming the halls of the ...
Explore Fan Central Current FNaF Sister Location Wikia Others Like You Viewed Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki Funtime Freddy Funtime Foxy Bidybab Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location Top Pages this Week Ennard 1 Ballora 2 Circus Baby 3 Michael Afton 4 Bon-Bon 5 ...
The remains of Ballora of the floor on the floor of the Scooping Room. The remains of Funtime Freddy on the floor of the Scooping Room. The remains of Funtime Foxy on the floor of the Scooping Room. The Scooper's Blueprint Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise not...
《玩具熊的五夜后宫》..Endo-01Endo-01是一个机器内骨骼,被设计成用于Freddy Farbear's Pizza中四个原版机器套装的骨架(一代四人组的内骨架)。同时也有一个没穿玩偶服装的机械骨架出现于一代游戏中