该作共有11个玩偶,分别是:欢乐弗雷迪Funtime Freddy和他的骨架版本烟斗Yenndo,邦邦Bon-Bon和邦妮特Bonnet,欢乐霍斯Funtime Foxy和罗宾特Lolbit,芭蕾拉Ballora和迷你瑞纳Minireena,马戏团宝贝Circus Baby和比迪巴Bidybab[以及它的另一个版本电力比迪巴Electrobab],埃纳德Ennard。由于该作每一夜都有独立的玩法,因此这里只...
Funtime Foxy:出现于cam6,你需要在cam6牌子上标注的时间点来看她(晚1s都不行),否则跳杀(别忘了牌子上写着6am也要看)(一局4分30秒,45s一小时,算好时间提前几秒盯住她,在未能及时在牌子上的时间看她的情况下,如果你在cam6放下监控,则她会在你下一次开监控时跳杀,如果你在其他摄像头放下监控,则他会在...
Funtime foxy lolbit Micheal A. Elizabeth A. Ballora Baby 21 Votes in Poll Circus BabyMichael AftonFive Nights at Freddy's: Sister LocationElizabeth AftonBallora 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网...
Funtime FoxySister LocationFuntime Foxy appears to be a cross between the original Foxy and Mangle designs, with white, pink, and red coloration, green eyes, and a speaker on its chest LolbitSister LocationA recolored, disembodied Funtime Foxy head ...
【中字】[FNaF SFM] 直到我们再次相遇 (Smoke The Bear and DHEUSTA - 玩具熊vr歌曲)动画 by MrMautz 820 -- 3:34 App 【Rockit Gaming】FNAF VR Help Wanted FUNTIME FOXY歌曲 "当那幕布落下之时" | Rockit Gaming 808 -- 3:50 App FNAF VR Help Wanted DREADBEAR歌曲 "The Curse" | Rockit ...
Funtime Foxy, Lolbit, and Circus Baby later appeared in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, while Dee Dee, Old Man Consequences, Bouncepot, Tangle, and White Rabbit appeared in Ultimate Custom Night. Funtime Foxy was introduced into this game as an undamaged version of Mangle as op...
Funtime Foxy Nightmare Fredbear Nightmare Animdude Mr. Chipper Nightmare Balloon ... Nightmarionne Coffee William Afton Dee Dee Lolbit Mendo Old Man Consequences 0 Missing Characters Note a Missing Character View All 39 Characters Similar...
Lolbit? Looks strangely familiar to my description of Toy Foxy (Hook on left hand). ReplyGood karmaBad karma+2 votes Guest-Jan 19 2016- 724,955 comments I see you updated you Profile pic. already. ReplyGood karmaBad karma+1 vote
Lolbit? Looks strangely familiar to my description of Toy Foxy (Hook on left hand). ReplyGood karmaBad karma+2 votes Guest-Jan 19 2016- 726,343 comments I see you updated you Profile pic. already. ReplyGood karmaBad karma+1 vote
【FNAF MMD】おこちゃま戦争の2024版🦊🐥(4K超清60帧)玩具熊的五夜后宫拟人化同人Funtime Foxy Chica Lolbit孩子气的战争 03:42 电影版Abby发型伊丽莎白 x Baby女王 ️【4K超清60帧】 01:51 超萌可爱毛绒Baby ️ 萝莉神降临~⭐ 00:13 时隔已久!FNAF萝莉少女天团华丽回归💖【4K超清60帧...