was doing one game I salvaged scrap trap and then somehow lefty he was in and I don’t know how so then I had to restart and now this is happened a second time when I salvaged molten Freddy scrap baby came out of nowhere and killed me this is a big problem please fix this thank ...
1.5万 48 4:24 Molten Freddy Salvage [真人版] 471 -- 1:31 [高仿] fnaf 无面男 班迪 巨型地图合集 785 -- 2:16 如果杰咳去玩FNAF…… 热门评论(20) 按热度 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 表情 发布 只有条条的油 2020-2-10 Up,bgm哪下的,求一下,我也很喜欢这首歌! 4 小金147 ...
I have been trying to complete the second night for awhile now but whenever I try to complete it molten Freddy just jump-scares me no matter what I do, I've tried turning the fan on/off I've tried the motion scanning thing (which doesn't work that well) and the music doesn't hel...