真实感十足的FNaF2重制版 曼果果的披萨店 2074 2 FNAF 2的终级重制版! 曼果果的披萨店 7034 9 [FNaF vhs]恐惧我的世界 曼果果的披萨店 7688 0 玩具熊的五夜后宫乐高 fnaf/LEGO 曼果果的披萨店 3.2万 24 [FNAF VHS]最令人不安的玩具们! 曼果果的披萨店 1.6万 34 令人毛骨悚然的fnaf1重制版 ...
在5秒之内重新拿起監控。 玩具熊的五夜後宮 2 Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Five Nights at Freddy's 2 第2代相比第1代除了有更多的玩偶和入口通向保安室外,防禦措施改爲了玩偶頭套和手電筒,不過仍存在手電筒筒量限制,這壹作添加了由監控遠端上發條的音樂盒,進入通風管道或者來到大門都會有玩偶靠近的警告音效出現。
FNF VS FNaF 2 is an outstanding Friday Night Funkin' mod that serves as the official prequel to Pouria_SFMs' magnum opus FNF VS FNaF 1 released earlier this year. The evil animatronic gang is back, and you're the one to help Boyfriend kick their robotic
Leave your fears aside and take your courage in both hands because the mod FNF Vs. FNAF 1 (Freddy, Chica, Foxy, Bonnie) for Friday Night Funkin' will take...
【旧帖重发】fnaf..有点错的。。。老鸡是去4号再2号再右边管道再办公室吧 还有老兔子怎么会去4号房 而且,玩具邦尼和玩具奇卡的路线完全反了啊亲!、】
FNF Vs. FNAF 2 is another mod for Friday Night Funkin which is a prequel to the previous mod, the action taking place before the events of the first episode. Pouria_SFMs and his team once again offers us a powerful hit with many new songs as well as 3D graphics and animations. ...
Playing FNF: FNaF World is that simple! Play this Friday Night Funkin game online in Miniplay. 32,030 total plays, play now!
各位好,我是培涵,这几天我玩了一下FNAF2,再根据我前段时间通过看B站视频已经掌握的一些知识,从而写出此文,供各位新人参考。 FNAF2是FNAF系列的第二部作品,但是时间发生在第一部的之前,这一点...