MainStage 中的演奏模式基础知识 默认情况下,演奏模式会在全屏幕中打开。工作区占据了整个电脑显示屏,从而使屏幕控制达到最大,获得了最大可读性。如果你想要在演奏时只使用 MainStage,“在全屏幕中演奏”可为现场演奏优化显示界面。 你可以选取让演奏模式不在全屏幕中打开,而在窗口中打开。工具栏仍然可见,你可以...
Scooping Room View source History Purge Talk (0) Warning: Spoiler Alert! This page may containMAJOR SPOILERS, as well as possible speculation!If you don't want to read or see spoilers or speculation, please return to your stage. Were you looking forCircus ControlorPrimary Control Modulefrom th...
These are the main FNAF Achievements you need to look out for. Some are almost completed, and as soon as I get to know more, I will be updating this post. Take a look at all the FNAF achievements. [lwptoc hideItems=”1″] SUPRISE⇓ To get this achievement,Get jump Scared. This ...
This page of the guide to FNAF Security Breach contains a walkthrough of the Showtime - Performance Disc mission, main stage.
Foxy is one of the major antagonists in the Five Nights at Freddy’s series.An animatronic pirate fox, he’s an entertainer who originally performed on his own, taking up residence on a separate stage in the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza establishment, away from the core animatronics Freddy, Bonnie...
想到了便写出来,算是给自己留个档 观前提醒:本人由于对恐怖游戏抗性较低,FNAF仅游玩过123代,云剧情云到VR急聘,对后续续作提不起太大兴趣所以没有再往下看,观看过少量剧情解析,可能对游戏剧情有部分错误理解,如有问题烦请指出并理性讨论,感谢! 地图:弗莱迪费兹熊披萨店 ...
Another two Klues exist at the "Screech" node found at the middle section of the Colony and the "Infected" node seen just as the stage path exits the main Colony. Initially, you need to fight Sindel and Sektor, the next time involves an infected Baraka with the red robot as well. The...
Robots possessed by souls seeking revenge. Although they are cute during the day, having the job of entertaining children, they change at night. During the day, they are part of a band that sings on a stage.FNAF Freddy, known as Freddy Fazbear, is the most popular animatronics possessed by...
·靠近监控器并长按主动能力键1,在操作界面持续操作6s并逐渐累积66%负荷值后,关闭该通风管道口与其最近的两个通风管道口的出口,杀手无法从此出现,持续40s,随后该功能进入20s的冷却时间,该功能生效与冷却期间,不能在任何监控器再次使用该功能 ·靠近监控器并长按主动能力键2,在操作界面持续操作2s并逐渐累积目标监控器...
·靠近监控器并长按主动能力键1,在操作界面持续操作6s并逐渐累积66%负荷值后,关闭该通风管道口与其最近的两个通风管道口的出口,杀手无法从此出现,持续40s,随后该功能进入20s的冷却时间,该功能生效与冷却期间,不能在任何监控器再次使用该功能 ·靠近监控器并长按主动能力键2,在操作界面持续操作2s并逐渐累积目标监控器...