291. 绿屏阴影弗雷迪与跳吓-弗雷迪的五个晚上’s-FNAF(291. Green Screen Shadow Freddy with jumpscare - Five Nights at Freddy’s - FNAF) 者舞 6个月前 绿屏高清FNAF2游戏角色弗雷迪动画素材 srklk7 1年前 18 弗雷迪五晚"S2 奇卡跳跃骗局(18 Five Nights at Freddy"s 2 Chica JumpSca) ...
to finish up your FNaF game, add a door mechanism so that when the door is closed, [Animatronic name] does not jumpscare you. add some ambience and some more cams and rooms if you made what I did. The END: make one last thing to make the ending and other nights (if you want the...
When the player is sure it is in the office, the player must turn on the lights, sending it back to either the Performance Stage or Dining Room 1. If the player fails to fend of PTLD-93, it will jumpscare the player and send them back to the warning screen. It also replaces Noo...