This is a list of all jumpscares in Five Nights at Freddy's. There are many deaths the protagonist Mike Schmidt can experience while working at his shift. They all occur in the form of a jumpscare and end in the player receiving a Game Over screen (excep
他是1983 年第一家 Freddy Fazbear's Pizza 开业时的吉祥物。1987 年,他和原来的玩具设备严重失修,Freddy 被他的新版本取代——Toy Freddy(玩具弗莱迪)在比萨店关门后,玩具被报废,他和原来的玩具翻新了,第一代开始。然而,在新的披萨店关闭后,他和玩具们被他们的杀手William Afton毁坏。他的灵魂,连同其他人,...
The Freddy's building where the Missing Children Incident happened is the Fnaf 1 building. We know this because of the Safe Room with Spring Bonnie inside being there. If this was a new location it would not be there. Phone Guy's tapes talking about the Safe Room reference the MCI: "Th...
在《 Freddy's AR的五个夜晚》中,Freddy发出了一种新的声音,这种声音非常深刻且有点小故障,并且具有新的个性。此版本的Freddy似乎更恶意,喜欢嘲弄受害者,但他的某些言论暗示他有些仁慈。 功能性 借助与娱乐性电子动画类似的技术,可以立即打开服装板,Freddy的领结在“帮助通缉”中得以显示,以允许躯干打开,从而更容...
Freddy Fazbear(费斯熊弗莱迪): 弗莱迪在自定义夜中的图标 费斯熊弗莱迪是玩具熊的五夜后宫的主要敌人,在费斯熊弗莱迪披萨店(Freddy Fazbear pizza)中常驻。他的形态在随后的关卡中显示了多次变化,他是Freddy Fazbear pizza的吉祥物。然而,在晚上的“自由漫步”模式下,他的行动与其他玩偶一样危险:在这期间他在餐...
Fan Central Current There was an exploit to geton Steam for free after Scott removed it. As of July 3, 2024, Scott completely removed the free branch ofFNaF Worldfrom Steam, making it impossible for users to install the game on the platform. On the same day, Scott also updated the paid...
deep♂址:以前是上不去的,现在不知道为啥可以上了) 7楼2018-04-24 20:35 收起回复 DrC 气球男孩 11 首先是弗莱迪 Freddy Fazbear(费斯熊弗莱迪): 费斯熊弗莱迪是玩具熊的五夜后宫的主要敌人,在费斯熊弗莱迪披萨店(Freddy Fazbe...
邦邦(又称邦尼手偶)由和Bon简称音频文件),是一个手偶和Funtime Freddy的一部分,取代了右手,也是游戏中七个电子动画之一(如果算上自定义之夜电子动画,则为十二个)。邦邦在破坏...
fnaf fandom wiki渣翻译 · 4篇 Freddy Fazbear(费斯熊弗莱迪): 弗莱迪在自定义夜中的图标 &...
姓名:Toy Freddy(玩具弗莱迪,玩具弗雷迪,玩具熊爷,玩具熊,网瘾熊) 种族:电动熊型玩偶 颜色:红棕色 起始地点:FNAF2的展示舞台(CAM9) 首次出现:FNAF2第一夜 玩具弗莱迪在进入办公室的外观展示。 玩具弗莱迪是一个“玩具”系列的机器人在玩具熊的五夜后宫系列,也是FNAF系列中是真正意义上的,最狭义上的“玩具熊...