The FN2000 is a Belgian bullpup assault rifle designed for use by units in close combat situations. Combining the size and rate of fire of a sub-machine gun with the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge of an assault rifle the FN2000 has the stats to be a superb close-combat weapon. It is unlock...
many of us, myself included yearn for individuality on the battlefield. One of the easiest ways to do that is to get a gun that isn’t an M4 or an AK. One problem with getting a new gun though is the fact that you need to build up a foundation again. When you ...
你说这几个我全9了 感觉92配minigun挺好的 来自iPhone客户端9楼2014-08-19 07:28 回复 akg240s 末日使者 12 所有东西都有的路过,目前个人最喜欢弩+沙鹰+斧头。 来自Android客户端10楼2014-08-19 08:24 回复 nbawbh123 自爆狂 8 Fn2000先造。 很快科9就等着造这把。 来自iPad11楼2014-08-19...
fn2000是科7出的图纸吧,minigun是科8出的图纸,更新以前是这样的。我记得很清楚的! 6楼2014-08-10 21:47 收起回复 xxtom 圣殿骑士 11 迷你滚已全,现在十分质疑狂指把我的fn2000吞了。 来自Android客户端7楼2014-08-10 22:11 回复 xxtom 圣殿骑士 11 悲剧了呀 来自Android客户端9楼2014-08-10 22:...
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