FN 15® Military Collector M16 Product Numbers Related Products FN 15® Military Collector M4 FN M249S® PARA Specs Caliber: 5.56x45mm Operation: Direct impingement Mag Capacity: 30 Rd. Weight: 8.2 lb. Barrel Length: 20" Overall Length: 39.5" Sights: A2-style front, adjustable rear Twis...
®, and releases the FN Military Collector Series to U.S. firearms consumers. The series includes the FN 15® M4 and FN 15 M16, faithful replicas of the U.S. military’s standard-issue rifles, and the semi-automatic FN M249S®, based on the legendary M249 SAW, or squad automatic...
$3,499.98 We accept Bitcoin. Click to see how. Description Additional Information The FN SCAR-SC 15P VPR semi-auto short barrel rifle in 5.56x45mm is the benchmark for reliability and versatility from a light recoiling, piston-driven platform, now configured in an ultra-compact pistol. This...
FN SCAR即SCAR突击步枪,特种部队战斗突击步枪(SOF Combat Assault Rifle,SCAR),是比利时Fabrique Nationale (FNH)为了满足美军特战司令部(US SOCOM)的SCAR标案而制造的现代步枪,此枪族有两种版本,一种是使用5.56 NATO的SCAR-L(轻型版),另一种是使用7.62NATO的SCAR-H(重型版),两种都可以改装成"狙击型态"或"近战...
FN SCAR即SCAR突击步枪,特种部队战斗突击步枪(SOF Combat Assault Rifle,SCAR),是比利时Fabrique Nationale (FNH)为了满足美军特战司令部(US SOCOM)的SCAR标案而制造的现代步枪,此枪族有两种版本,一种是使用5.56 NATO的SCAR-L(轻型版),另一种是使用7.62NATO的SCAR-H(重型版),两种都可以改装成"狙击型态"或"近战...
At 6.6 lbs., the light, fast-handling rifle includes the right upgrades for constant control. The pistol grip and magazines are in-mold stippled, with a 6-position stock offering a tight lock-up and an ideal cheek weld. A premium fit and finish is FN standard issue. IF YOU LIKE THE ...
Available for military sales only. Specs Chosen by U.S. special operators as the next generation assault rifle platform, the FN® MK 16 provides the range, reliability, accuracy, safety, ergonomics, and modularity to meet any operational challenge. A selective-fire, semi-, and full-auto 5....
FN 15®Military Collector M16 Specs Caliber:7.62x51mm Operation:Short-stroke gas piston Mag Capacity:10 or 20 Rd. Weight:8.0 lb. Barrel Length:16.25" Twist Rate:1:12 RH GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Semi-auto only Rotating, locking bolt RECEIVER ...
FN is a global leader in development and manufacturing of high-quality, reliable firearms for military, law enforcement, and commercial customers worldwide.
Collector FN 15 Guardian® FN 15® DMR3 SCAR® Family Accessories Featured FN 15® / AR-15 Accessories Parts & Accessories Pistol Accessories Rifle Accessories Ammunition Ammunition FN DFNS® SS200 5.7X28MM FN GUNR SS201 5.7X28MM ...