1 FN+ESC:选择所预设的电源管理模式FN+F2:开启或关闭无线网卡功能DELL8000无FN+F3:显示电源表FN+F8:切换显示器FN+F10:弹出光驱FN+上方向键/下方向键:增加/减低亮度FN+END:静音FN+PgUp:增加音量FN+PgDn:减低音量FN+Num lock::相当于按下Scroll lock ...
Fn+向左/向右:调高/调低亮度提高屏幕亮度 Fn+F2:Acer eSettings 可启动 Acer eManager 组合中的 Acer Fn+F3:Acer ePowerManagement 可启动 Acer eManager 组合中的 Acer Fn+F4:睡眠让电脑进入睡眠模式 Fn+F5:显示屏幕切换可以在以下三种显示方式间切换只使用,示屏只使用已连接的外接显示器同,时使用显示屏和...
华硕笔记本(ASUS):按 Fn+ Ins (Num LK)TCL笔记本(Tcl):按 Fn 键+NUM LOCK 海尔笔记本(Haier):按 Fn+NumLK 戴尔笔记本(DELL):直接按 NumLk 宏基笔记本(Acer):按Fn +F11 键 惠普笔记本(HP):直接按 Num Lock 或者 Fn 键 +NUM LOCK (型号不同有所不同)东芝笔记本(Toshiba):按 Fn +F11...
How can I disable the Fn key in Windows 11? 1. Use the keyboard shortcut to lock the Fn key Press the Fn key + Esc on your keyboard. If that doesn’t work, try using Fn + F2. Keep in mind that the key might be different on your PC, but it’s usually represented by a smal...
给fn键上锁是同样的步骤。这种方法需要找到键盘上fn lock的键,应该也是用于所有带fn lock的键盘。
5、 :等于按下 num lock 键F N del :等于按下 Scr Lock 键Acer 宏基篇+ 热键帮助显示热键帮助内容+ Acer eSettings可启动 Acer eManager 组合中的 Acer+ Acer ePowerManagement 可启动 Acer eManager 组合中 的 Acer+ 睡眠让电脑进入睡眠模式+ 显示屏幕切换可以在以下三种显示方式间切换只使用, 示 屏只使...
acer kbcr21 i cannot find a way to change my function key lock! member posts: 3 new user i have a acer kbcr21 keyboard hooked up to my custom built pc, i've checked the uefi and the windows settings, i cannot find a way to change my function key lock! someone please help, my ...
How to Enable the Fn Lock If you do not want to press the Fn key every time you want to enable/disable any of the 12 functions, you can toggle on the Fn lock. With this feature, the Fn key will appear to always be held down on the keyboard, and you will be able to use any ...