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this.cleanable = cleaner.regiser(this, sate); } public void close() { cleanable.clean(); } } 注意,从可预测性的角度来判断,Cleaner或者幻象引用改善的程度仍然是有限的,如果由于种种原因导致幻象引用堆积,同样会出现问题。所以,Cleaner适合作为一种最后的保 证手段,而不是完全依赖Cleaner进行资源回收,不然...
Java 平台目前在逐步使用 java.lang.ref.Cleaner 来替换掉原有的 fnalize 实现。 Cleaner 的实现利用了幻象引用( PhantomReference ),这是一种常见的所谓 post-mortem 清理机制。我会在后面的专栏系统介绍 Java 的各种引用,利用幻象引用和引用队列,我们可以保证对象被彻底销毁前做一些类似资源回收的工作,比如关闭文件...
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Once you reach that wall, you’re going to continue to apply pressure before you get a pretty clean break. This trigger is also much cleaner in its description, but it seems to be lacking something in the way you can actually describe the feel and the way I can describe that feeling. ...
Oil-free, passivating industrial cleaner which provides high corrosion inhibition for the neutralizing stages of ferrous materials after acid pickling. BONDERITE® S-FN 6300 is a liquid, oil-free, passivating industrial cleaner which provides high corrosion inhibition for the neutralizing stages of fe...
(7) Using resolvent, water or water-soluble cleaner for flux cleaning agent after soldering. (In particular, when using water or a water-soluble cleaning agent, be careful not to leave water residues) (8) Using in the atmosphere where strays acid or alkaline. (9) Using in the atmosphere ...
The Samsung Q8FN is a bit better than the Samsung Q7FN for most users, unless you want a cleaner wall mount installation with the One Connect box. The two TVs offer nearly identical picture quality, but the Samsung Q8FN has a better local dimming feature. Compare Side-by-Side SEE OUR ...