他们选择FN 509 MRD-LE作为下一代勤务手枪,这让我们倍感自豪。FN 509 MRD-LE是追求强大性能、多功能的手枪平台,是执法机构的最佳选择,该型手枪具有经过验证的可靠性、射击精度和瞄准镜适配性。能够为像LAPD这样出色的执法部门提供服务,让FN的每个员工都感到非常自豪,我们期待这些警官每天都可以依靠性能卓越的手枪,来...
“The FN 509 MRD-LE is the only choice for agencies seeking an extremely capable and versatile duty pistol platform with proven reliability, accuracy and optic interoperability. Serving the men and women of an outstanding law enforcement agency like the LAPD brings great pride to ev...
MEET THE LAPD’S NEW DUTY-ISSUED SIDEARM – THE FN 509® MRD-LE. Introducing the FN 509® MRD-LE, a duty pistol designed specifically for law enforcement by law enforcement. Key performance upgrades to its fire control and trigger, unmatched sighting options, and extreme durability deliver...
One of the things that the LAPD found attractive in the FN 509, in addition to the endurance and reliability tests, was the sights. FN says on its website, “Superior accuracy of the FN 509 MRD-LE starts with the patented FN Low-Profile Optics-Mounting System™. Adapted from the origi...
On the range, I found the FN 509 MRD-LE to be as accurate as any of the currently available duty handguns. In fact, I don’t think I’m going out on a limb saying the FN 509 MRD-LE is the most accurate factory duty handgun I’ve ever tested. I’m not one to put...
8月10日,美国洛杉矶警察局(LAPD)宣布,采购FN美国有限公司(FN America, LLC)的FN 509 MRD-LE作为下一代勤务手枪。 FN 509是一种性能卓越的多功能手枪系列,可以在任何环境中提供快速、精确的射击。接受过枪械操作、战术机动和精确目标作战训练的警官现在拥有了射击精度更高,性能更可靠的自卫武器。洛杉矶警察局经过...
8月10日,美国洛杉矶警察局(LAPD)宣布,采购FN美国有限公司(FN America, LLC)的FN 509 MRD-LE作为下一代勤务手枪。 FN 509是一种性能卓越的多功能手枪系列,可以在任何环境汇总提供快速、精确的设计。接受过枪械操作、战术机动和精确目标作战训练的警官现在拥有了射击精度更高,性能更可靠的自卫武器。洛杉矶警察局经过...
MEET THE LAPD’S NEW DUTY-ISSUED SIDEARM – THE FN 509® MRD-LE. Introducing the FN 509® MRD-LE, a duty pistol designed specifically for law enforcement by law enforcement. Key performance upgrades to its fire control and trigger, unmatched sighting options, and extreme durability deliver...
MEET THE LAPD’S NEW DUTY-ISSUED SIDEARM – THE FN 509® MRD-LE. Introducing the FN 509® MRD-LE, a duty pistol designed specifically for law enforcement by law enforcement. Key performance upgrades to its fire control and trigger, unmatched sighting options, and extreme durability deliver...