Dieudonné Saive completed the design of the High Power, which John Moses Browning had started, and FN began production. Why call it the “High Power?” Because its 13-round capacity was almost twice that of other comparable designs and came with the industry’s first double-stack magazine. ...
I call this section “Disassembly” rather than “Field Stripping” because the M1899 and M1900 require a screwdriver to disassemble, so the procedure is not normally done in the field. Nevertheless, it is relatively simple.Remove the magazine. Draw the slide back and make sure the chamber ...
被国内称为「 枪牌撸子」 的 F NM1900 7.65mm 自动手枪,这是 FN 公司生产的第一支由勃朗宁设计的自动手枪(采用自由枪机式结构),宣告了非自动手枪时代的终结及自动手枪时代的来临 而今,FN 公司终于基于旗下的 FN 509 手枪,推出一款单排弹匣供弹的袖珍手枪——FN 503,号称公司近 40 年来生产过的尺寸最小的...
Advanced dismounting of FN Model 1910 - Total breakdown to the last pin - Parts legend Mechanical features of the FN Model 1910 - John Browning's unique way - Comparison with the Walther Mod. 4 and FN Browning 1900 - Easy adaptation of a silencer - Other former patented features retained -...
1910 FN Browning, he designed it so that only the barrel need be changed to convert from one caliber to the other. The 1910 magazines for the two calibers were identical, even though they were marked 7.65mm or 9mm to match the respective barrels. The magazine holds seven rounds of 7.65mm...
《异见时刻》一书的作者之一依林·卡蒙(Irin Carmon)于9月18日在《纽约杂志》(New York Magazine)发表了“光彩无限的金斯伯格大法官”( The Glorious RBG)一文,对金斯伯格的生平和法律遗产进行了深情追忆。 卡蒙直截了当地说,只有像金斯伯格一样固执专注、热爱工作的人才可能取得这样的成就:作为一名女性,她在歧视和失...
A magazine C. A historytextbook D. An advertisement 50. Mary rubbed out the marks she had made in order to . A. please thevisitors B. make other ones C. ask for morebrushes and paints D. clean her trunk B Sixteen yearsago a boy gave me an important gift. It was a smile. It ...