A 1977 Electra-Van 500was subjected to an FMVSS 208-type dolly rollover test. The test speed was 29.56mph. The vehicle came to rest in the 492-degree position and suffered extensive body deformation. Several windows either shattered or completely lost retention. The left rear axle sheared and...
it allows the engineer to work quicker and with added confidence that the modeling has been performed correctly (See Figure 1 and Figure 2) Documentation is provided along with the software, containing the necessary information about the FMVSS/ECE/Industry standard test procedure, and also with ste...
Heavy-DutyEngines;SmokeExhaustTestProcedure(S86.884-1-S86.884-14) EPA86SubpartJ FeesfortheMotorVehicleandEngineComplianceProgram(S86.901-93-S86.911-93) EPA86SubpartK Selectiveenforcementauditingofnewheavy-dutyengines,heavy-dutyvehicles,andlight-dutytrucks(S86.1001-84-S86.1015) EPA86SubpartL Nonconformanc...
ofthesteeringwheelangle(i.e.,iftheupto26km/h(16mph)underthetest steeringwheelangleis25degreesfromprocedurespecifiedinS22.5. vertical,thethoraxinstrumentcavityS27throughS29[Reserved]See rearfaceangleis31degrees).§571.208,S27throughS29. STheinitialtransversedis-[69FR3840,Jan.27,2004] ...
NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURE FOR FMVSS 302 上传者:sunnyxiaofeng时间:2010-11-09 FMVSS-208-乘员碰撞保护(中文版).pdf 本书主要介绍AUTOSAR MCAL的基本原理与实践, 简述 AUTOSAR这一汽车软件架构的相关标准。 本书期望能给相关应用设 计的入门者提供一些参考, 以利于后...
Previous FMVSS No.301 alqtuel System Integrity" is a full rear impact test procedure which is considered as an insufficient regulation for preventing occupant exposure to fire. For that reason, NHTSA announced FMVSS No.301 Upgrade which described real world crash well. In this new rule using 50...
The test procedure is a modification of the FMVSS 104, TP-104-04 procedure for testing windshield wiper and washer systems. The most significant change is the addition of a photometric technique to determine the amount of test dirt on the glazed surface. (Portions of this document are not ...
S7.3.2Foratestdummyintheout- boardpassengerpositions.Theupperlegs ofeachtestdummyrestagainstthe seatcushiontotheextentpermitted byplacementofthefeet.Theinitial distancebetweentheoutboardknee clevisflangesurfacesis11.5inches.To theextentpracticable,bothlegsofthe ...
内容提示: 2021.02 Automobile Parts104检测与维修Testing & Servicing Interpretation of FMVSS 226 Test ProcedureFMVSS 226 试验方法解读收稿日期: 2020-10-28作者简介: 孙海洋 (1989—), 男, 本科, 助理工程师, 主要研究方向为汽车被动安全试验。 E-mail: 13920521981@ 163. com。DOI: 10. 19466/ j. cnki....
S7. Test procedure. Each vehicle must be capable of meeting the requirements of S5 when tested in accordance with the procedure in S7.1 through 7.6. S7.1 Place the sills or the chassis frame of the vehicle on a rigid hori- zontal surface, fix the vehicle rigidly in position, close all ...