Jilted PSC May Still Find a MatchFocuses on the takeover transaction between PSC Inc. and Mohawk Corp. Factors that influenced the failure of the transaction; Information on the stocks of PSC; Business plans of...
Aged care: New agreement at PSCNo abstract available.Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand
Cambodia: PSC awardsReports on Cambodia's awarding of Khmer Shelf offshore Blocks 5 and 6 to Woodside Petroleum Ltd. and partner Cambodian Resources Co. Period of oil exploration under the deal.Tang, PeterOffshore
Reports that Detroit Edison Company has received approval from the Michigan Public Service Commission, for a special contract, under which it will supply electricity to a steel-galvanizing plant in Monroe ...
PSC Grants Longview Conditional ApprovalKasey, PamState Journal
Interruption of the customer telephone service; Lack of close monitoring during the bankruptcy proceedings; Impact of the telephone breakdown on the business enterprises.Solnik, ClaudeLong Island Business News
PSC MOTORSPORTS SG-630R EARLY BRONCO STEERING BOXThe article evaluates the SG-630R steering box from the company PSC Motorsports.Perronne, CraigDirtsports
PSC OKs service providerInforms about the approval given to Telport Communications Group by the Michigan Public Service Commission for local telephone service in the Detroit, Birmingham and Southfield exchange areas.Crains Detroit Business