1) FM rate estimation 调频斜率估计 2) Doppler rate estimation 多普勒调频斜率估计 3) Estimation of Doppler rate 调频率估计 例句>> 4) slop estimation 斜率估计 5) chirp constant 调频斜率 1. The estimation ofchirp constantof baseband LFM signals; ...
This PR adds the functionality of calculating the azimuth FM rate mismatch mitigation described in ETAD ATBD (doc ID: ETAD-DLR-DD-0008), available here Highlights of changes A new dataclass BurstE...
This paper reports a frequency modulated (FM)/rate integrating MEMS gyroscope where superposed clockwise (CW) and counter clockwise (CCW) modes are independently controlled on a single resonator. A frequency and quality factor mismatch compensation method by adjusting the phases and amplitudes of drivin...
We first comprehensively analyze the errors in various focusing results caused by the FM rate error. We then derive the DDI phase error considering different acquisition modes including stripmap, ScanSAR, and TOPS modes. For stripmap mode, typical DDI phase error is a range ramp, while for ...
Direct Measurements of the Ozone Production Rate: Methods, Measurements, and Implications for Air Quality MonitoringWilliam H Brune
Field Applications of Coupled Temperature-Rate-Pressure Transient analysis for Reservoir Characterization: Analytical ModelingY. MaoM. Zeidouni
人生都会经历自己无法预知的事情,也许一生都希望自己过得安稳,不用自己为生活烦恼,特别是到了晚年的时候,总不希望给自己的子女添麻烦,哪怕就是自己辛苦一点,自己过得累一点,但是自己的子女能够过得幸福开心就好,也许这就是每一个做父母的的想法。 属猴的女人她们从小就长得漂亮,从来不会因为外貌而发愁,所以追求她...
#宝宝辅食分享#【芋头卷】适合一岁以上的宝宝,宝宝第一次吃芋头,芋头营养均衡,富含钙、钾、镁、铁、氟等多种矿物质以及多种维生素,能促进宝宝的牙齿和骨骼发育,还能保护视力。发现真的很爱吃,一口气吃了三个@减肥的茱古力 长图 û收藏 103 1 ñ64 ...