Install with conda:conda install -c conda-forge fmpy Install with from PyPI:python -m pip install fmpy[complete] Install a development build If you don't have Python on your machine you can installMiniforge. You can start the FMPy GUI withpython -m fmpy.gui ...
Open Ananconda prompt and enter the directory where theenvrionment.ymlfrom step 2 is stored. Install thedelft3dfmpyenvironment with the required modules, by executing the following command in the opened command prompt. conda env create -f environment.yml ...
1、安装anaconda(之后配置虚拟环境,使用navigator->environment->create安装需要创建环境; 2、创建需要的安装环境之后,在anaconda环境下安装numpy、matplotlib、openCV、tensorflow等package conda install numpy conda install matplotlib condainstall -c menpo opencv conda install tensorf...
Anaconda包含conda、Python、Pycharm、Jupyter notebook及多种扩展包。A.正确B.错误的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高学习效率,是学习的生产力工具
The Visual C++ 2015 redistributable packages are a runtime requirement for this project. If you use the Anaconda Python distribution, you can addvs2015_runtimeas a platform-dependent runtime requirement for you package: see theconda.recipe/meta.yamlfile in this example. ...
Install with conda:conda install -c conda-forge fmpy Install with from PyPI:python -m pip install fmpy[complete] Install the latest development version directly from GitHub:python -m pip install ...