Russell, F. Denise
The U.S. Department of Labor offered its opinion letter in the context of a parent 1) who had provided certification from her children’s doctor supporting her need to take intermittent leave to care for her children, and 2) whose employer...
Recent research regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has focused on adoption of family leave policies by organizations in response to legislation and on patterns of leave taking in general. Very little is known, however, abo... ...
Emergency Leave In bereavement cases, emergency leave is granted to an employee if they experience the death of a family member (parent, grandparent, child, spouse, sibling, or equivalent close relative). This is given without a reduction in pay. Leave for School Visits Employees who have chil...
The California New Parent Leave Act California has recently enacted the New Parent Leave Act (“NPLA”) to address many employees who do not work for large enough companies to qualify for the FMLA or CFRA. Under the NPLA employees in California who work for an employer of at least 20 emp...
Are you considering taking time off from your job in South Florida to care for an aging parent or for a sick child? It is important to recognize that you have certain rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which include taking time off from work to care for a family mem...
A federal law that requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks' unpaid leave to eligible employees for the birth or adoption of a child; to care for a sick parent, child, or spouse; or to take care of health problems that interfere with job performance i The Family and Medical Leave ...
your care, your employer might give youForm 385-V (Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave). You must provide the veteran’s name and your relationship to them—leave may only be granted if you are their spouse, child, parent, or next of kin...
(Spouse, Parent, Child; child over 18 must be incapable of self care because of disability)II.CONDITION REQUIRING LEAVE Please check the box below for the type of serious health condition the employee has. See page 3 for a complete description of what constitutes a “serious health condition”...
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a labor law requiring large employers to provide employees with unpaid time off for family/health issues.