plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.title('IFx Signal') #Range FFT doppler = 10*np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.fft(IFx[0:1024]))) frequency = np.fft.fftfreq(1024, 1/Fs) range = frequency*c/(2*slope) plt.subplot(4,2,5) plt.plot(range[0:512],doppler[0:512]) plt.xlabel('Frequency->Dista...
Figure 3. FMCW radar signal: amplitude vs. time By comparing the reflected wave with the original signal at any given moment of time, a frequency shift ∆f can be observed. This shift allows determining the range R for each period of the signal or “chirp”. If the signal is monitored...
The FMCW radar includes: a transmission signal generator that generates a frequency-modulated transmission signal; a transmission signal sender that sends the transmission signal; a receiver that receives a reflected wave of the transmission signal; an adjuster that adjusts the amplitude and phase of ...
title FMCW Radar Simulation section Transmit Signal Transmit Signal: 0.0, 10e-3 section Received Signal Received Signal: 1e-3, 10e-3 如图所示,上半部分是发射信号和接收信号的时域波形,下半部分是目标的距离谱图。通过仿真可以清晰地看到目标的回波信号并测量距离。 结语 本文介绍了FMCW雷达的工作原理和Pyt...
它们分别被称为CFAR-Zeroing(CFAR-Z)和CFAR-Amplitude Correction(CFAR-AC)方法。此外,基于Burg的信号外推[18]可以很容易地集成在这个框架中,以在每个频率点中进行更准确的信号重建,为了方便起见,所得到的方法被称为CFAR-Burg。与现有的方法相比,所提出的方法能够减轻多种干扰,并最大限度地减少有用信号的功率损耗...
mesh(db(abs(signal_fft./max(signal_fft))); title('Range from First FFT'); ylabel('Range [m]'); xlabel('chirps[N]') zlabel('Amplitude (dB)'); title('距离维FFT') for i=1:Nr signal_fft2(i,:) = fftshift(fft(signal_fft(i,:))); end...
signal_fft = fft(Mix_fft1d, Nr);figure(2)mesh(db(abs(signal_fft./max(signal_fft)));title('Range from First FFT');ylabel('Range [m]');xlabel('chirps[N]')zlabel('Amplitude (dB)');title('距离维FFT')for i=1:Nrsignal_fft2(i,:) = fftshift(fft(signal_fft(i,:)));enddoppler...
Here, ArAr is the amplitude of the (now very weak) echo signal and τ0τ0 is the delay incurred during the return trip between the radar and the target. This parameter contains all the information about the target range d0d0 in its phase, since we can write from the above expression:...
plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.title('Rx Signal') plt.subplot(4,2,3) plt.plot(t[0:1024]+td[0:1024],freqRx[0:1024]) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.title('Chirp F-T') #IF信号函数参数 IF_angle_freq=fc*t+(slope*t*t)/2-((fc*(t-td)+(slope*(t-td)*(t-td...
This is an up-sweep linear FMCW signal, often referred to as a sawtooth shape. Examine the time-frequency plot of the generated signal. Get sig = waveform(); subplot(211); plot(0:1/fs:tm-1/fs,real(sig)); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Amplitude (v)'); title('FMCW signal');...