A Systematic Approach - Additional Examples from FMC Technologies - Article - ANSYS Advantage - V7 I1ANSYS Advantage Staff
includingthedevelopmentofmassdeacidiiicationtechnologiesand theswitchtoalkaline paper.THE FMCSOLUTIONTherearewaystoneutralizetheacidiccompoundsinpaperand todepositanalkalinebuffertoslowreacidification.FMCCorporationhasdevelopedasuccessfulpaper preservationtechnologythatnotonly neutralizestheacidinthepaperbutalso strengthens...
We completed the acquisition of Stone and Webster Process Technologies in August giving us a foothold in the North American downstream market and have since formed a worldwide unit focusing on onshore technologies. We have also strengthened our position in new areas such as Floating LNG, whe...
Fundamentals of Liquid Turbine MetersIn Figure 2C, the ferromagnetic material is leaving the field of the coil, reducing the flux density from maximum to minimum. This causes a rate of change of flux in the opposite direction, generating the negative portion of the output ...