FMC的引脚分为电源信号引脚、JTAG信号引脚、IIC信号引脚、地址设置引脚、相应的控制检测信号引脚、以及吉比特接口信号引脚(gigabit interface)和普通用户信号引脚(user defined pins)及其时钟信号引脚。其中的信号传输及其时钟信号引脚都是按照差分对标准来定义的。吉比特接口信号(用DP表示,data pairs)引脚有20对,能够...
步驟5.在Static Route Configuration部分下,在Type、Interface、Available Network、Gateway和Metric欄位中輸入所需資訊(如果需要,還有Tunneled和Route tracking)。 型別:點選IPv4或IPv6,具體取決於您增加的靜態路由型別。 Interface:選擇此靜態路由所適用的介面。
Interface- 选择出口接口;通常是外部接口。 Available Network- 为 IPv4 默认路由选择any-ipv4,为 IPv6 默认路由选择any-ipv6,然后单击Add将其移至Selected Network列表。 Gateway或IPv6 Gateway- 输入或选择作为此路由的下一个跃点的网关路由器。您可以提供 IP 地址或网络/主机对象。
1.1 (bad)Block Management(坏)块管理 Nand Flash由于其物理特性,只有有限的擦写次数,超过那个次数...
调用USBH_CDC_InterfaceInit( phost) 这里需要注意, USBH_FindInterface,这个函数是根据第2,3,4个参数 COMMUNICATION_INTERFACE_CLASS_CODE, 0X02 ABSTRACT_CONTROL, 0X02 COMMON_AT_COMMAND 0X01, 1. 2. 3. 进入程序发现 if( (pif->bInterfaceClass == class) || (Class == 0xFFU)) && ...
VITA™ 57.1 FMC™ Connector is an ANSI standard, which defines a compact electro-mechanical expansion interface for a daughter card to an FPGA baseboard or other device with reconfigurable I/O capability. Specific configurations of Samtec's SEARAY
After the interface board is started and the TM chip is initialized, run the display tm config fmc-table command to check the FMC table entries on a TM chip. Prerequisites The board has been started and registered. Example The actual command output varies according to the device. The command...
After the interface board is started and the TM chip is initialized, run the display tm config fmc-table command to check the FMC table entries on a TM chip. Prerequisites The board has been started and registered. Example The actual command output varies according to the device. The command...
Design services, IP cores, evaluation boards with Xilinx and IntelFPGAs, FMC Modules, and PCB layout design services
Key component of the system are two Maxim MAX96712 receiver capable of connecting serialized camera data received from 2x4 independent video data streams via a GMSL2 interface. For each MAX96712 the board supports 2x MIPI CSI-2, 4 lane or 4x MIPI CSI-2, 2 lane interfaces to the mainboard...