World famous Knap Tactics for Football Manager 2020. All Knap Tactics for FM2020 bundled together by set and with all the relevant info for your convenience.
Can you tell me where can i change the color of "AVERAGE RATING OF LAST FIVE GAMES" on tactics screen? I didn't edit these parts of the game, I'm not sure where to edit it to not hasle something important. Try to ask on SI Forum in the skinning hideout. ayyyy • 4 years a...
After a fantastic FM19, the WTS version of TCS finally makes it's way to FM20! Play TCS with the iconic purple that is based off the default skin! Updated to support v1.3.1 TCS 2020 v1.3.1IS REQUIRED. How to install the TCS 2020 skin 1. Install TCS 2020 v1.1.2 like normal (e...