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“RRD-102V2.0”立体声收音模块( FM Stereo radio Module) 高灵敏度、低功耗、超小体积的调频立体声收音模组。采用RDA Microelectronics的RDA5807M(或RDA5802NM),此电路外围元件少、噪声系数极小。具有体积小、低功耗、低成本、应用简单、使用范围广等优点。是一款简单易用且具极高性价比的单芯片FM立体声收音模组...
Buy FM Stereo Radio RDA5807M Wireless Module RRD-102V2.0 For Arduino at Aliexpress for . Find more , and products. Enjoy ✓Free Shipping Worldwide! ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Easy Return.
RRD-102V2.0 FM Stereo radio Module An FM radio module with high sensitivity, low power consumption, and ultra-small size. RDA5807M (or RDA5802NM) is used. The peripheral components of the circuit are few and the noise factor is very small. It has the advantages of small size, low pow...
百度爱采购为您找到1条最新的fm模块 rda5807m rrd-102v2.0产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
"RRD-102V2.0" stereo radio module (FM Stereo radio Module) high sensitivity, low power consumption,ultra- small size of the FM stereo radio module.Using RDA Microelectronics of RDA5807M(or RDA5802NM),this circuit fewer external components,the noise factor is minimal. Small size,low power con...
"RRD-102V2.0" FM Stereo radio Module is an FM stereo radio module with high sensitivity, low power consumption and ultra-small size. The RDA5807M (or RDA5802NM) of RDA Microelectronics is used, and the peripheral components of this circuit are few and the noise figure is very small. It...