Regular Starter and Key Player/Scout tiers also have option to request/download custom files for Football Manager. There are custom scenarios (fantasy or not) to allow some extra fun or to have a harder challenge. -Custom Files:A whole list available of custom files are availablehere. It inc...
CHECK ALSO:PES 21 PPSSPP (PES 2021 ISO PSP) Download + PS4 Camera Scout for players, meet player agents, and discuss possible transfers. Your negotiation power and money determine how successful your transfer window will be. Older Versions of Football Manager ...
Introduction Welcome to the World Super League (WSL) for FM24. With over 100,000 downloads and Steam subscriptions over the last 7 years, the WSL is the most downloaded, most highly acclaimed and most advanced Super League mod in FM history. WSL is a total conversion 'Super League' where...
这是名满天下的球探工具FM Genie Scout 24,支持兼容FM2024的最新版本24.2.1。这款工具可以查询各种隐藏数值,遍寻全球各地的小妖,内置简体中文和繁体中文。安装时勾选所需语言,进入工具后参考最后一张截图自行切换,如果经济条件允许可以购买付费版。
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[球探工具] FM ..最新的球探工具更新在爆棚,需要的小伙伴自取~
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The home to the very best FM tactics as well as providing real-life tactical analysis and Wonderkid reports. Here, you'll be able to read, watch and download RDF Tactics tactics you have always wanted!