The home to the very best Football Manager tactics as well as providing real-life tactical analysis and Wonderkid reports. Here, you'll be able to read, watch and download RDF Tactics tactics you have always wanted!
Your premier source of quality Football Manager 2022 downloads, including exclusive scouting and editing tools, best tactics, top database add-ons and graphic packs.
Your free and comprehensive guide to Football Manager. Learn how to play FM and master tactics, training, team talks and much more.
Your free and comprehensive guide to Football Manager. Learn how to play FM and master tactics, training, team talks and much more.
外网玩家RDF Tactics一直在钻研不同阵型下哪款FM2022战术最好用,现在他开始琢磨无锋阵了。当你球队中没有像哈兰德这样的强力中锋,只有一堆小快灵时就可以采用,作者在标题图片上打出了没哈兰德也没问题的口号。阵型是4123,最后的这个3分别是一名前腰和两名边锋,前锋位置上是没有人的,所以阵型称之为41230更容易理解...
The FM24 Tactics Index makes it easy to find the best FM2024 tactics that fit your team. It's an interactive table for your convenience. Super easy to use and extremely useful. You can type in the things that matter to you to filter all tactics in real-t
曼城现在已经被深深地打上了瓜迪奥拉的烙印,今天这款FM2022战术很有意思,利用了AI并且走反瓜迪奥拉风格。从球员阵型就可以看出来,4141或者说451的阵型绝对不是曼城会摆出来的。作者RDF Tactics就是想重塑曼城,并且在游戏里构建一款防守型战术,为曼城带来全新的足球风格。战术本身没有优劣之分,强队踢防守战术同样可以取...
The home to the very best FM tactics as well as providing real-life tactical analysis and Wonderkid reports. Here, you'll be able to read, watch and download RDF Tactics tactics you have always wanted!
To become a great manager, you must understand how to implement certain tactics and formations that suit your team to win as many matches as possible. For instance, there are several formations like 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 4-5-1, 3-4-3, 3-5-2, 5-3-2, 4-2-4, etc that need to be...
还有怎么才能提到5颗星啊 分享17赞 fm2023吧 GOAT😈🌐 FM23 妖人观察(长文警告) 截止目前楼主一共开了两个档 一个巴萨一个诺丁汉森林 巴萨档由于不契合这个贴子的主题所以暂且不提(莱万还是yyds) 诺丁汉森林档里通过FMRTE改了转会费 再通过FM scout和往届经验换了一批人踢 实操了一个半赛季 让各位8u们参考...