同系列文章目录可见 《DSP 学习之路》目录,代码已上传到 Github - ModulationAndDemodulation。本篇介绍 FM 调频信号的调制与解调,内附全套 MATLAB 代码。 1. FM 调制算法 1.1 FM 信号描述 用调制信号去控制载波的瞬时频率,使其按照调制信号的规律变化,当调制信号是模拟信号时,这个过程就被称为调频(FM)。FM 信号...
网络调制与解调 网络释义 1. 调制与解调 444.4...6666...7777...1111FMFFMMFM调制与解调(((FM Modulation and Demodulation))) www.osslab.com.tw|基于 1 个网页
PURPOSE:To remove the influence of drift due to fluctuations of temperature of a modulating circuit, a transmission line, etc., with regard to an FM system transmission which includes a DC component, by counting two rectangular wave pulses, separated on a reception side, by counters, and thus...
•Video Signal FM Modulation and Demodulation •Video Signal Emphasis and De-emphasis Function •Drop-Out Detecting Function of Video FM Signal •FM Mute Function at Second-Call MAXIMUM RATINGS(T A = 25°C)Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit Maximum Supply Voltage V CC max7.0V Allowa...
[Github - ModulationAndDemodulation](https://github.com/signalYoung/ModulationAndDemodulation)。本篇...
Designof FMModulation andDemodulationCircuit Student: Yang Hui (Faculty Adviser:Wu Zhonghua) (College of Electronic and Information Engineering, West Anhui University) Abstract:Aswe all know, FM is used in people's most familiar wireless broadcasting. FM is also used in analog television standards ...
sthesource,simulationFMmodulationanddemodulationpr incipleofanaloguesignals.Then,usingthesongasthesou 噪比高斯白噪声已调信号%的时域图title(含大信噪比高斯白噪声已调信号的时域图);subplo diffnsfmn1=abs(hilbert(diffnsfm1));zero=(max(diffn 摘要 ...
DesignofFMModulationandDemodulationCircuit Abstract:Asweallknow,FMisusedinpeople'smostfamiliarwirelessbroadcasting.FMisalsousedinanalogtelevisionstandardsforthetransmissionofvoicesignalsandothercommonapplications.AlthoughFMhasitsownnonlinearcharacteristics,itcanonlybeapproximatedinmanycases.Butbecauseofitsantinoiseperformance...
And then the DPSK modulation signal FM modulation, and finally get dual modulation signal. 解调模块首先对接收到的信号进行下边频和抽取处理,而后对降低速率的信号进行FM解调,节省硬件资源. Demodulation module first received signal frequency is lower and the extraction process, then reduce the rate of the...
Through the curriculum design, to achieve the realization of the FM signal through a noisy channel, modulation and demodulation system simulation purpose. 一.课程设计的目的与要求 1.1 课程设计的目的 通过《 FM 调制解调系统设计与防真》的课程设计,掌握通信原理中模拟信 号的调制和解调、数字基带信号的...