For: Football Manager 2008 Size: 2.49 MB Rate this tool: Downloaded 9251 times FM Genie Scout 2008, download FM Genie Scout 2008 free, free FM Genie Scout 2008 tool download, free download of FM Genie Scout 2008 tool for Football Manager 2008, Football Manager 2008 free tool FM Genie ...
文件名称:FM-Genie-Scout-2008 所属分类: Other Riddle games 标签属性: [Windows][程序] 上传时间: 2012-11-16 文件大小: 2.58mb 已下载: 14次 提供者: l*** 相关连接: 无 下载说明: 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分! 电信下载联通下载 报告...
The long awaited successor of Genie Scout 2007, was here as a limited beta (build 83) since December 2007.FM Genie Scout 2008returned with a public beta (build 90) 4 months later. The first public beta fixed some data loading errors, the second public beta (build 92) fixed more than ...
Welcome to the official homepage of Genie Scout.I'm very grateful and appreciate all donations, because without support this project will die. I hope that people will understand my decision to use adverts on the public version.Genie Scout comes in two editions. Public edition has 2 banners, ...
FM Genie Scout 球探工具汉化语言包 接下来我介绍下,使用方法:将压缩包解压缩,将文件夹内容放入球探...
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FM Genie Scout 15 Exclusive是一款免费的FM2015球探工具,对于足球经理2015来说是款实用并且方便的游戏工具,有了FM2015球探工具,各位球队经理就不用再为招募优秀球员而头疼了。 FM球探工具15怎么用 1.解压文件并运行exe文件. 2.按照提示安装直到完成. 3.运行FM2015并载入存档. ...