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There should at least be some partial effect, because a new manager has different tactics, and the existing players at the club might not suite his tactics. But how well does FM actually simulate this? And how well does the game simulate player "dynamics" of the AI Managers?
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This fix applies only to Football Manager 2023. 1. Locate the folder;Windows:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2400\lnc\allMac:/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2024/database/data/db/2400/lnc/...
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The success of your club depends on how well you manage the team starting from setting up the facilities, recruiting players, training, using tactics or formations that bring out the best in your players, and so on. This 2023 version succeeds theFootball Manager 2022which is still trending at...
战术是352,来自fmbase的国外网友创作的,包含战术、球员推荐列表、职员推荐列表。 客场使用这个3 5 2成绩更好! 保持球员士气高昂,如果他们表现不佳就批评他们! 使用方法: 将压缩文件解压后,tactics文件夹和shortlists文件夹一起复制到 文档\Sports Interactive\Football manager 2023\ 里,如果提示是否覆盖,全部选是 ...
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