预览 [资源] 【11.08.22】《足球经理2023(Football Manager 2023)》官方中文 Steam正版分流[CN/EN] ...23456..28 love2011 2022-11-8 11:44 81822208 134524066 2025-3-19 19:38 预览 [分享] 足球经理FM2023 3月3日的冬季更新补丁 MKDEV组制作 ...23456..34 kevvv 2023-3-3 11:37 100018963 ___...
女职员DDT文件放置根目录(即游戏本体安装路径):\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2023\...
毕尔巴鄂竞技及少数俱乐部有极为特殊的规定,只能签下来自特定国家或地区的球员。这种规定被以硬编码(hard code)的形式写入俱乐部自身的代码,一般来说没法给其他俱乐部加入此类限制。然而,fm数据库中存在一些已经废弃的俱乐部,其中几个恰好带有类似的硬编码。因此,可以通过在editor中将想要执教的俱乐部与带有规则的俱乐部交...
Recreational facilities include an indoor swimming pool, health club, gymnasium, aerobics room, sauna, steam bath, jacuzzi, massage room, indoor/ outdoor tennis courts and a beauty salon.The SWING BAR, A modern day speakeasy that combines the excitement of a sports bar, immersive golf simulators...
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This can easily be done by right-clicking the game on Steam, go to Properties, then head to Local Files and click on Verify integrity of game files. Then try installing this pack again.- Ensure that the remastered video files have been installed correctly. Follow the instructions at the ...
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