有効な支払方法:最低価格保証は、現地通貨での銀行振込による支払いリクエストでのみ有効です。これには、通貨換算が必要なブラジルからのBoleto払いも含まれます。 除外される支払方法:その他の支払方法(例:Alipay、オンラインデビットカード/クレジットカード、電子マネー、eBanking、オンラ...
首页LegalBest Price Guarantee 飞汇(Flywire)力求为您提供优惠的价格。如果您在飞汇(Flywire)官网上提交本国货币银行间转账付款订单后 2 小时内从银行获得了更优惠的价格,请提供银行报价及费用的证明文件。若银行的总价更优惠,我们将以该价格结算您的订单。
一方面,飞汇本身汇率就比Convera要低(上官网输入学费金额后,对比人民币价格一查便知);另一方面,飞汇有Best Price Guarantee,可以用银行而不是Flywire自己的汇率进行结算(这步需要申请,但亲测申请并不麻烦),可以说是又省下了一大笔钱。 一开始我非常担心“把钱打给第三方”的安全问题,尤其打过去的银行账户名称也很...
看Flywire官网宣传说Best Price Guarantee,竟然轻信了直接缴费,真是太蠢了。缴费后,手欠查了一下银行...
对于不在加拿大且无本地银行账户的学生,有三种可靠方式支付学费:使用西联或飞汇等第三方平台。这些平台可以将你的人民币转账至学校账户,无需占用个人外汇额度。相比其他选项,我推荐使用飞汇,原因在于它提供更低的汇率和Best Price Guarantee,即你可以使用银行汇率而非平台汇率进行结算,从而节省额外费用。
At Flywire, we aim to provide the best price for international payments.If you are dissatisfied with our current exchange rate and your bank is offering you a better one, we encourage you to participate in our Best Price Guarantee program. If the overall price is better, we will be happy ...
platform. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see how much those fees are until you have provided information about yourself, including the sender’s PAN number. This makes it tricky to compare transfer providers and to guarantee that you are getting the best price for transferring the funds...
Although S&P Global Market Intelligence has made every effort to ensure this data is correct, nevertheless no guarantee is given to the accuracy or completeness. Any opinions or estimates expressed herein are those of S&P Global Market Intelligence on the date of preparation and are subject to chan...
学校官网上推荐flywire付款,听说可以人民币付学费?汇率会不会高啊?速度快不快? 雙生念夏 托儿所 1 我之前也担心汇率和手续费会比银行高。就在网上搜了搜,也研究了下flywire官网,发现他们支持优惠价格保证(Best Price Guarantee,),这个政策有点像京东和淘宝的价保政策,简单来说,如果发现飞汇官网提供的汇率高于...
Valid Payment Methods: Best Price Guarantee is valid only for payments booked via local currency bank transfer, including Boleto payments from Brazil, that require a currency conversion. Excluded Payment Methods: Other payment methods (e.g Alipay,Online debit/credit cards, e-wallets, eBanking, ...