The third-person singular present tense conjugation of the verb fly, which is used with pronouns like he, she, and it, is always flies, with the letters I-E-S. For example, if you’re wondering whether to use the phrase time flies by or flys by, the correct word is always time fli...
In summary, “fly” is a singular noun or verb, while “flies” is the plural form of “fly” and can refer to multiple insects, the act of flying, or fishing lures. By understanding the basics of these words, you can avoid common grammar mistakes and communicate more effectively in wri...
Lord of the Flies (redirected fromLord of the flys) Encyclopedia Lord of the Flies n (Bible) a name forBeelzebub [translation of Hebrew: see Beelzebub] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...
Allflysare beautifully hand-tied. More examples Machine Translators Translateflysusing machine translators Word Forms PLURAL flies Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Try 7 Days for Free ...
A device that attracts, and subsequently allows flies, and other flying insects, to exit from an enclosed area, such as rooms in a house or commercial building. This device is not a trap, nor does it exterminate flying insects. Rather it enables flying insects to return to the outside ...
Repels House Flies, Stable Flies, Face Flies and Horn Flies. READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE EACH USE USE ONLY ON DOGS, PONIES OR HORSES Precautionary Statements HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS Flys-Off Fly Repellent Ointment Caution Not for human use. Wash hands after using. Wear long-sleeved...
There they go buzzing away. Those pest that bother you all day. You know whom I'm talking about, that's right flies. They buzz around you going into your ears and nose. Landing on your food and everywhere else. Some flies are favorable to humans, as parasites of bug pests or as sca...
The flies are designed to be used in a variety of fishing conditions, from the swift currents of a river to the tranquil waters of a lake or reservoir pond. The high-quality fly hooks ensure that the flies present their best state, enticing even the most wary of fish. Whether you're ...
It's driving away the flies. Horses do, too!Tails in the same way:Some animals hang by their tails. Many others do, too!Of their paws for other things, such as eating orget? which can help them hang in the trees and, on and on!
* Repels house flies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies * May be used on dogs, ponies, or horses * Great for dogs and puppies 12 weeks and older Caution: Read entire label before each use. Use only on dogs, ponies, or horses. Not for human use. Wash hands after using. Wear...