Still, a foldable stroller and a car seat may be transported in the hold at no extra charge. Subject to space availability, small collapsible strollers may be accepted in the cabin, under the same conditions that apply when traveling with an infant on your lap....
his/her travel cabin. Still,a foldable stroller and a car seat or bassinetmay be transported in the holdat no extra charge. Subject to space and availability, small foldable stroller may be accepted in the cabin (the same conditions as when travelling with an infant on your lap will apply...
Drazin was 2 a suitcase, multiple diaper(尿片) bags, and her baby in a car seat.Her 2-year-old and 4-year-old 3 behind her.They deplaned and stopped to 4 for their stroller(婴儿车).As they waited, Drazin took 5 of a family-two parents and two young kids standing next to her....
Let you breastfeed or pump from your seat or the bathroom. Bring you ice to keep milk and formula cool. Allow breast pump, breastmilk, and formula onboard, along with a carry-on bag (even if you’re not traveling with your child). ...
4. Can I bring a stroller on a plane? What about an infant car seat? You can bring a folding stroller or pushchair as carry-on if your stroller with its wheels fits within the size and weight limits set for carry-on baggage (55 cm x 40 cm x 23 cm). ...
Drazin was carrying a heavy travel bag, some small bags, and her baby in a car seat. Her 2-year-old and 4-year-old followed behind her. They got off the plane and stopped to wait for their stroller(婴儿手推车).As they waited, Drazin noticed a family-two parents and two young kids...
4. Can I bring a stroller on a plane? What about an infant car seat? You can bring a folding stroller or pushchair as carry-on if your stroller with its wheels fits within the size and weight limits set for carry-on baggage (55 cm x 40 cm x 23 cm). ...
No matter how lightly you pack, you only have so many hands. If you’re flying solo, you can’t manage your checked bag, carry-on bags, stroller, and car seat alone. Lugging a car seat is tough even when two adults are in the picture. ...
Use a stroller.If you plan to take your stroller with you on the trip, you may decide to use it when navigating the airport. You may prefer not to check the stroller at the luggage drop-off. Instead, use it until you board at the gate, where a member of the crew can check it. ...
Ⅱ.完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Some years ago, Adrianne Drazin was flying overseas with her three children. Her husband was already at her destination, so she had to travel with the kids 1.After a long flight, they got up to leave the plane.Drazin was 2 a suitcase, multipl...