However, while fat stores may be subcutaneous and distributed around the body, the majority of lipid is preferentially located in the abdominal area and behind the flight muscles. Potential effects on pressure and friction drag due to abdominal loading are hard to quantify without further ...
The golden rule of air travel is: don't fly when you're sick. Even a small flu can take on greater proportions on an airplane where the air pressure is different from the ground and there is less oxygen and moisture in the air. "Air travel with a common cold carr...
The golden rule of air travel is: don't fly when you're sick. Even a small flu can take on greater proportions on an airplane where the air pressure is different from the ground and there is less oxygen and moisture in the air. "Air travel with a common cold carries...
Traveling with a baby can be wonderful – yet stressful. While a disruption to your baby’s sleep schedule may be inevitable when you go on vacation, there are ways to make the readjustment period when you return home easier for both you and your baby. Don’t let concern of your baby’...
Getting closer to the end of the runway I was focused on the runway length and the numbers while coming in a little slow and low. Right before the runway is a drop off to the river. Our instructor Ed could see we were coming in low asked me to put in some additional power because ...
In 1944, Alfred Elíasson and Kristinn Olsen lived in a tent beside Lake Miklavatn for the whole of the summer while flying in search of the shoals. They flew up to 300 hours on the lookout for the 'silver of the sea.' But at the end of the season, the Stinson aircraft was damaged...
The doctors found that he had been "massively" short on oxygen and his lungs were completely blocked, he said. Doctors said the situation was "critical, because there was so much pressure on the heart that it could have, you know, gone into an arrest or gone into a more critical ...
the road. Need to take a shower, and down my fourth cup of coffee. Damn it’s hard. But before I do, and before you mockingly point out in the comments below that I choose to drive cars and fly airplanes, just hold off while I compose my next blog post on the value of hypocrisy...
- Get the empty oxygen cylinders at the top of the mountain, during a tempest - Race through checkpoints as fast as possible - Unload a container ship with a magnet - Fire rockets to remove all the objects and clear the road - Land your helicopter on a moving boat and moving trucks ...
Travelling while sick is not recommended as you are at risk of feeling worse and infecting other passengers on the flight. You should not be flying if you have shortness of breath, a racing heart or could be contagious. The pressurised cabin has less air, meaning your body can take less ...