Proc SPIE 4342:268–270T Mizuno, T Hitosugi, N Kojima, et al, "An optical flying head for a near-field recording system", Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting 2001, p268-270, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2001
Awingsuitmodifiesthebodyareaexposedtowindtoincreasethedesiredamountofliftwithrespecttodraggeneratedbythebody.Aparachute:Theparachutewillbeflowntoacontrolledlandingatthedesiredlandingspotusingtypicalskydivingorjumpingtechniques.Wingsuit Awingsuitmaybereferredtoasabirdmansuit,flyingsquirrelsuit,orbatsuit.Theseearlywingsuits...
John wayne greatest hits created 13 years ago•45 titles User polls Related polls from IMDb users IMDb Poll Board Father's Favorite Film Favorite John Wayne War Movie John Wayne vs. Tom Cruise: Top Gun Tigers Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more....
New Mexico: Hotel St. Francis - Location: Santa Fe - Year built: 1924 Originally the De Vargas Hotel, the St. Francis claims to be Santa Fe's oldest hotel. Erected in 1924, the impressive Spanish Colonial structure replaced an earlier building after a fire that left only its brick chimney...
about 70 miles north of San Francisco, CA. Sonoma County is a beautiful place to visit and I expect we will be traveling there on a regular basis. So, with that trip in mind I decided to compare the CO2 emitted when traveling via airplane and automobile between Santa Fe, NM and Sonoma...
We had a fairly quiet day at the High Desert RV Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico yesterday. It was windy in the morning, but Donna was determined to go out for a bicycle ride. Wind is the worst on a bicycle. It’s an invisible force that holds you back as you pedal into it. When...
Before the advent of long-range fighter escorts, B-17s had only their .50 in (12.7 mm) caliber M2 Browning machine guns to rely on for defense during the bombing runs over Europe. As the war intensified, Boeing used feedback from aircrews to improve each new variant with increased armamen...
Presented to the United Nations Youth Assembly, August 15, 2007; Hiroshima Night, Bolinas Community Center, Bolinas, CA, August 6 - 8:15 pm; Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, CA, August 7; Conference on ETs, Spirit, New Science and New Technology, Mt. Shasta, CA, August 9-12; ...
A note about cookies. The FBO had a box of them and welcomed me to have some. Since I was hungry I ate one, and grabbed two to go. On this three hour leg to Santa Fe, I ate one cookie when I had two hours to go, and another with one hour. Yum!