此外,根据Trips to Discover,新英格兰各州其他“最迷人”小镇包括:康涅狄格州的埃塞克斯(Essex in Connecticut),缅因州的卡姆登(Camden in Maine),新罕布什尔州的汉考克(Hancock in New Hampshire),罗德岛州布洛克岛的新肖勒姆(New Shoreham on Block Island in Rhode Island),以及佛蒙特州的伍德斯托克(Woodstock in Verm...
That could be what I am doing wrong. I've seen lots of videos on homemade hummingbird feeders that fit on your head and they come to you right in your face with their long beaks. That's a no for me dog...I really would like to keep my eyeballs beaks free. LOOK: Most Commonly...