I had never flown a Bf 109E, so I decided to do as much homework as possible before committing to the air. The 109 has a reputation for being tricky, and I wanted to be as well prepared as possible.John RomainFlight journal
| FlyingIron Simulations BF-109G | Review Flight | Microsoft Flight Simulator In this video, we take a look at the Flying Iron Simulations Messerschmitt BF-109G, within Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). We will be reviving "Tannkosh", putting the aircraft through its paces over a Tannheim...
FlyingIron Simulations 已为其预期的 Messerschmitt Bf 109 设定了发布日期。该飞机将于下周6 月 14 日在他们的商店上架。MSFS Marketplace 版本将在几周后推出,可能等待微软的时间表。 FlyingIron Simulations 早在一年多前,即 2022 年 1 月,就首次宣布了他们的 Bf 109 的开发。从那时起,该团队一直在通过小...
I loved the Spitfire build, but stumbled onto the article from ultramicrobe and by seeing his Swappable Messerschmitt Bf109 based on FT Spitfire I had the idee to build one but bigger, and some more details. Especially the nose part I wanted to have more details, and so I came up with ...
the past. FW 189A-1 (1:72 from ICM), Pilatus PC-21 (1:72 from MK72), Hawker Hunter FGA.9/Mk. 58 (1:72 from Revell), F-16D Tigermeet 2014 (1:72 from Revell), Spitfire Mk.Vb and Me Bf109E (“Double Kit” 1:48 from Airfix), Blackbird SR-71 with Drone (1:72 from ...
A true master of the skies; feared by her opponents and respected by all. The Bf 109G-6 represents the pinnacle of German aviation and holds its place in history as one of the deadliest & most fearsome fighters ever made. Learn More ...
All the combatant nations, USA, Germany, Japan, Britain, struggled to keep their aircraft up to date, almost constantly modifying them and introducing new variants. The Spitfire went through over twenty variants. The Messerschmitt Bf 109 evolved through eleven major production variants, plus uncounted...
这架飞机在空中与一架Bf 109相撞,垂尾段严重受损,但最后仍平安的回到出发地,且机上成员并未受到严重的损伤,机身编号为124406图片来源:Airman aboard the B-17 “The Flying Flit Gun”, Lt. Charles 'Cliff' Cutforth. 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:一架被德军重型高炮直接命中的B-17G,其左侧机翼被直接炸断...
@NotSoNormalPioneer - made the plane able to fly @thebanbehindtheslaughter - turrets and BF-109 Pinned 4.3 years ago 37.5k WiiMininininini "All Tags Are Requested." -@KnightOfRen Pinned 4.3 years ago 7,494 dabestsock @WiiMininininini can you do old yes pub on this aircraft B...
Series Españolas:Marking / livery 1/48 scale - Eurofighter Ala 14 "Volando hacia el futuro" -- Ala 14, Albacete - water slide decals and placement instructions - for all kits(SE4548) Add 33,50€ Eduard:Airplane kit 1/48 scale - Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/AS -++++- paint masks, ph...