Comparison of banded karyotypes between two subspecies of the red and white giant flying squirrelS Petaurista albomfus (Mammalia, Rodentia)Banded karyotypes of two related subspecies of Petaurista alborufus castaneus from southern China and Petaurista alborufus lena from Taiwan are presented and compared...
Based on a comparison of gut microbiota of flying squirrels (hindgut fermenter) and cattle (foregut fermenter), these 2 animals have distinct bacterial compositions, although both rely on the microbiota for the conversion of plant materials into nutrients. They had different phylotypes within Firmicutes...
The variety of signals that were recorded suggest that flying squirrels may use ultrasonic vocalizations to transfer information. Thus, vocalizations may be an important, although still poorly understood, aspect of flying squirrel social biology. 展开全部 机器翻译 ...
surprisingly difficult. Numerical simulations and wind tunnel tests of static animal models have provided an estimation of a drag polar curve for gliding snakes, lizards, squirrels, and fish1,13,14,15,16,17, but do not address the aerodynamic effects of a compliant airfoil or mid-air postural ...
She’s a little bit older now (as am I), and we are growing that way together, Shen she twitches in her sleep I imagine that she’s dreaming of her more youthful days spent chasing squirrels, the same way that the old man dreamt of the lions on the beach. Posted in General, ...
Maistrovski Y, Biggar KK, Storey KB: HIF-1alpha regulation in mammalian hibernators: role of non-coding RNA in HIF-1alpha control during torpor in ground squirrels and bats. J Comp Physiol B Biochem Syst Environ Physiol. 2012, 182 (6): 849-859. Article CAS Google Scholar Platt RN, ...
Conservation biology The effect of huddling behavior on metabolic rates in southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans)| Comparison of northern and southern ranges UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHA James A. Wilson RhodesChristine DSouthern flying squirrels () utilize group huddling in order to reduce ...
(auditory) complex is often isolated acoustically from the skull, which probably improves signal comparison by both ears. Thethresholdsandranges of hearingin several genera of bats have been studied, and in each case the region of maximum sensitivity has been found to coincide with the prominent ...
Inspired by the foraging activities of flying squirrels on different kinds of trees in the forest, predators are introduced as punishment conditions, seasonal detection conditions are added, and the search mode of Levy flight is used to prevent the algorithm from falling into local optimality. The ...