na Boroi, sorrow, soul, soul render, soul-restoring, soul-searching, soulmate, soulmates, souls, South Africa, space time continuum, special, special meaning, specials, spfbo, spfbo2018, spill, spinning silk, spiritual, spoiler, Spooky, spring, spring-heeled jack, square holes, squirrel, st...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":7194646,"subject":"The Flying Squirrel Suit Better Not Be a Thing In The Future.","id":"message:7194646","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":24,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:4157410"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{...
If you're hoping to find a flying squirrel in-flight here in Michigan, the northern flying squirrel resides in both the Upper and Lower Peninsulas while the southern flying squirrel can only be found the in Lower. Another reason Michigan's flying squirrels go relatively unnoticed is because th...
This not only corrects the field curvature, but through the magic of optical design, it reduces the effective focal length and changes the focal ratio – you end up with a wider field of view and a faster scope – a faster scope collects light more quickly than a slower scope and can ca...
Think of that little timer counting down the seconds on Netflix or YouTube as you’re reaching the end of an episode. Or compare both the noise level and the speed at which scenes are switched in a modern-day documentary, with one filmed, say, before the 1990s. It’s enough to cause...
na Boroi, sorrow, soul, soul render, soul-restoring, soul-searching, soulmate, soulmates, souls, South Africa, space time continuum, special, special meaning, specials, spfbo, spfbo2018, spill, spinning silk, spiritual, spoiler, Spooky, spring, spring-heeled jack, square holes, squirrel, st...