na Boroi, sorrow, soul, soul render, soul-restoring, soul-searching, soulmate, soulmates, souls, South Africa, space time continuum, special, special meaning, specials, spfbo, spfbo2018, spill, spinning silk, spiritual, spoiler, Spooky, spring, spring-heeled jack, square holes, squirrel, st...
To remove the existing drawbacks based on deadline and security constraints, a Security-Aware Deadline Constraint TS (SADCTS) approach is presented using a hybrid optimization algorithm of the Modified Flying Squirrel Genetic Chameleon Swarm Algorithm (MFSGCSA). The proposed MFS...
flying across the winf because of the large surfaces exposed; 6th, the sustaining surfaces are passive or dead surfaces, i.e. they have no power of moving or accommodating themselves to altered circumstances. Natural wings, as explained, present small flying surfaces, and these can be applied ...
She can run like the wind, especially when in pursuit of a squirrel, and trots along effortlessly with me on three-mile runs with no real need for the collar she wears or the leash I carry rolled up in one hand. She always seems singularly unimpressed by neighborhood dogs we see that s...
na Boroi, sorrow, soul, soul render, soul-restoring, soul-searching, soulmate, soulmates, souls, South Africa, space time continuum, special, special meaning, specials, spfbo, spfbo2018, spill, spinning silk, spiritual, spoiler, Spooky, spring, spring-heeled jack, square holes, squirrel, st...