Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Olival KJ, Stiner EO, Perkins SL. Detection of Hepatocystis sp. in southeast Asian flying foxes (Pteropodidae) using microscopic and molecular methods. J Parasitol. 2007;93:1538–40. Article PubMed Google Scholar Schaer J, Perkins SL, Dech...
Several studies indicate that the Old World fruit bats and flying foxes may actually be descended from early primates. Bats are mammals in the order Chiroptera. Their most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammal in the world naturally ...
Fourteen tissues (bone, brain, heart, kidney, large intestine, small intestine, liver, lung, muscle, lymph nodes, salivary glands, skin, spleen and testes) were harvested from four male Black flying foxes (P. alecto) captured in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. All experiments were approved by...
Fig. 1. World distribution of flying foxes (Genus Pteropus) (from Hall and Richards (2000)). In this paper the term ‘flying fox’ refers only to members of the genus Pteropus, although other genera, e.g. Acerodon, are also considered flying foxes by some authors. In this paper, we ...
” He said it was “no old story,” invented to “frighten children,” but a real fact. His father and uncles had killed some of them, for they were “as bad as foxes for poultry.” This old man attributed the extinction of winged serpents to the fact that they were “terrors in ...
in the upper jaw. Cheek teeth (premolars and molars) bear sharp cusps. Thedigestive tractexhibits specializations to a strict vegetarian diet. Although flying lemurs share some characteristics with certain bats (flying foxesof suborder Yinpterochiroptera), they are most closely related to theprimates...
although many are widely spaced and do not touch when roosting. Some of the Old World fruit bats strikingly defoliate the trees on which they roost. In trees flying foxes (Pteropus) may form outdoor camps numbering hundreds of thousands of individuals. Many species form smaller groups of severa...