The Spectacled Flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) is a large fruit bat which is also called the Spectacled Fruit Bat, or Spectacled Bat. It lives on the islands of Woodlark, Alcester, Kiriwina, and Halmahera in New Guinea, and is also found in Que...
The Grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) can be found on the south-eastern part of Australia. In 2001 a study shows that their range has shifted 750 kilometers southwards, possibly due to climate change. Their habitat consists of woodland...
Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Namings for the dwarf flying foxA dwarf flying fox group is called a 'flock'. CountriesSolomon Islands Facts about the dwarf flying fox No facts found More animals beginning with D Custom...
Status/Date Listed as Endangered: NT-IUCN: 2009 Area(s) Where Listed As Endangered: Papua New Guinea Facts Summary: The Bismarck Flying Fox (Pteropus capistratus) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in the following area(s): Papua New Guinea. Creatu...
The Large Flying Fox (Pteropus vampyrus) is the second largest bat in the world by weight, and the largest by wingspan. Its species name is P. vampyrus, however it is no vampire bat, this bat is what is called a megabat, being a large fruit bat. Th...
Facts Summary: The Black-bearded Flying Fox (Pteropus melanopogon) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in the following area(s): Indonesia. Creature Profile Share This article is only an excerpt. If it appears incomplete or if you wish to see artic...
They are unable to echolocate and instead must depend on sight for their navigation. Incredible Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Facts! This bat is the largest bat in the world. The golden-crowned flying fox is a frugivorous species that eats some other plant life as well as fruit. The bat ...
What is a Flying-fox Bat? Examples of Small and Large Flying-foxes Interesting Facts about Flying-foxes Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is the size of the Little Red Flying Fox? The Little Red Flying-fox is an incredibly small species, weighing in around one pound and only ...
The large or Malayan flying fox is one of the largest bats in the world and has a wingspan of up to 6 feet. Flying foxes are also called fruit bats and megabats.
Facts About Camels: Lesson for Kids Facts About Caterpillars: Lesson for Kids3:12 Facts About Crocodiles: Lesson for Kids Facts About Turtles: Lesson for Kids Fennec Fox Facts: Lesson for Kids Ferret Facts: Lesson for Kids Flying Fox Bat Facts: Lesson for Kids ...