To produce self-compacting geopolymer concrete (SCGC), class F fly ash (FA) was utilized as a binder according to DIN EN 450-1 [61]. In the production of SCGC, ground granulated blast furnace slag (slag) was also used as a binder in this investigation, which was provided by the Dycker...
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AFCAD files are simply the compiled “.bgl” files that many versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator use to store the configuration of airports and airport data within the simulation program. They are used all the way from FS2002 up to the latest version, FSX – which is covered in this ...
Micropiles are commonly used to transfer loads from structures to deep strata when shallow soil is too soft to support those loads. In relation to the cement type used for preparing the micropiles grouts, the micropiles standards [21–23] do not specify any restriction, provided that the ...
The real in situ condition consisted of placing the samples at approximately 100 m from the Mediterranean Sea, for three months during the warm season, so they were exposed to the action of airborne chlorides. The performance of fly ash and slag mortars was compared to that noted for ordinary...
Although fire has become an important part of human civilization, it is a major haz- ard to human life, property, and the environment. Besides the fatal heat levels, the toxic gases or chemicals liberated during a fire also affect the respiratory system and can lead to death. Therefore, ...
The ECat is a catalyst used in the fluid cracking catalytic units present in most of the oil refineries to optimize the crude oil refining process obtaining more valuable products, such as high-octane gasoline. When it loses enough catalytic activity, it is withdrawn from the process, thereby ...
XRF measurements were carried out with a PANalytical's Epsilon 3XLE spectrometer (Malvern Panalytical Ltd., Malvern, UK) equipped with a rhodium X-ray source, the silicon-drift detector with a 135 eV resolution at 5.9 keV/1000 cps. Two to three grams of FA/GBFS powder was poured in a...
Then, the amount of CO2 released in the atmosphere by cement or fly ash materials will be compared in order to propose the most environmentally friendly building material. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Raw Materials In this study, fly ash from a coal-fired power station in Mpumalanga (...
y not always map onto efforts to •prodSuectetignegoptoimlyems etrhcaotatainregsstthroatncgulyre dinepaemnbdieenntt composition: the setting time of geopolymers can range from minutes to hours and depends on geopolymer composition. Setting times can be reduced by ...