近日,飞行模拟应用《FLY》已登陆 Vision Pro 头显,旨在以完全沉浸的方式带来 3D 探索《Google Earth》。 这款应用不仅让探索地球成为一场随心所欲的旅行,更让玩家能够化身为无人机驾驶员,自由翱翔于地面之上,飞越繁华都市,穿越国界,领略全球风貌,其沉浸感远超《Google Earth VR》,为用户开启了一段全新的视觉与心...
(映维网Nweon 2024年08月15日)对于第一代现代PC VR头显而言,允许你利用谷歌地球虚拟畅游世界的《Google Earth VR》是一款备受欢迎的应用程序,但遗憾的是,它从未跨越到一体机时代。现在,一款名为FLY的新工具希望将这种魔力带给Meta Quest和Apple Vision Pro。 除了能够随心所欲地畅游世界之外,《Fly》的目标是提供...
Fly Is Essentially Google Earth VR On Meta Quest & Apple Vision Pro David Heaney 14 August 2024 Share to Reddit Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
双击图标,打开GoogleEarth主界面 对于界面中的按钮,我们下面逐个试用。 “Fly To”和“Local Search”就不具体介绍了,直接在搜索框里输入英文地名,就会给出一堆结果,然后在里面筛选自己要的东西。这里我们要看一下“Directions”,它可以用来显示两个地点之间的行车路线,为了方便,在这里我们以Google公司到Yahoo公司的路...
I will teach you how to fly on vatsim network 5.0(3)From US$5 RRoger M I will design extraordinary flying jet logo From US$5 AAbdur Rahim I will make stunning fly in google earth video for your location From US$15 mmolikkakhari310 I will design flying logo in 1 day From US$5 J...
Embark on an extraordinary journey with FLY, and redefine the way you explore our planet. Powered by Google's cutting-edge 3D Maps Tiles, this immersive experience lets you soar through the skies and witness the world's wonders like never before. From the ground all the way to the edge of...
aYou can fly around the globe in Google Earth using the flight simulator feature. This allows you to operate a simulated aircraft using either your mouse or another controller. 您在Google地球能世界各地飞行使用飞行防真器特点。 这允许您使用您的老鼠或另一个控制器操作一个被模仿的航空器。[translate...
aThe business cycle has historically been exacerbated by irrational exuberance on the upside and irrational pessimism on the downside. 经济周期由不合理的丰富和不合理的悲观在上部在下边历史上恶化了。[translate] aYou can fly around the globe in Google Earth using the flight simulator feature. This allo...
Google Share on Facebook birdwing (redirected fromBirdwing butterfly) birdwing (ˈbɜːdˌwɪŋ) n (Zoology) a type of large, tropical butterfly Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook flyby (redirected fromflybys) Thesaurus Idioms Encyclopedia fly·by alsofly-by(flī′bī′) n.pl.fly·bysalsofly-bys A flight passing close to a specified target or position, especially a maneuver in which a spacecraft or satellite passes sufficiently close to...