祖孙三代演奏Fly me to the moon (7岁、41岁、72岁)第一次也是最后一次视频录制,爷爷于今年12月25日凌晨胰腺癌晚期去世,确诊到离世三个月 3.9万 6 19:02 App 一鸣吉他教学 - Fly Me To The Moon【曲谱 伴奏】 7367 0 02:16 App Fly me to the Moon教程 by Funkyman + 【附TABs】 7758 1 31:50...
沙斗的风创建的收藏夹吉他待学内容:带我飞去月亮上吧!《Fly Me To The Moon》-吉他弹唱翻唱(详细吉他教学教程在P2),如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
[A E D F#m F#] Chords for Fly me to the moon - Olivia Ong (with lyrics) with Capo & Tempo shifter. Play along with guitar, piano, ukulele, mandolin & banjo. Includes 41+ tunings alternatives.
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Intro:EAEAOne day, the whole world looks like an open pageEAand you've been dancing as fast as you can with a smile on your faceDband then the earth and the sky they all fit togetherABand carry me away as light as a featherDbchase the clouds from the groundABin the big blue sky...
Moon rise, thoughtful eyes. Staring back at me from the window beside. No fright, or hindsight. Leaving behind that empty feeling inside. [Riff 2] x1 /w lyrics: Fly by night away from here, change my life again. [First half of Riff 2, then last half of Riff 1] x1 /w lyrics: ...
The chords here in the tab bits are only the down strums taken from the album "Mama said", but it'll sound great any way you play it. This is dedicated to John "my guitar guru" Bradbury who taught me how to play it, and especially to my love Sib who inspired me to learn to pl...
吉他谱名:《Fly Me To The Moon》 乐手歌手:Walter Rodrigues, Jr 原版指数:★★★【最高5颗星】 难度指数:中等 推荐指数:★★★【最高8颗星】 曲谱类型:可视听多音轨数字吉他谱 适用软件:Guitar Pro【WIN版】【MAC版】【什么是GTP吉他谱】 谱内音轨: Nylon...